Software Review of the PLANTA Suite
| Translated by Julian Hammer
Software Suite seamlessly Integrates Traditional and Hybrid Project Management
Dr. Mey Mark Meyer, manufacturer-independent consultant and author of the GPM market study “Software für Projektmanagement“ has tested PLANTA’s software suite and published the results in a detailed software review on, the largest German project management platform.
„PLANTAs software suite covers project management from startegical planning to detailed tasks. The three software components of the suite work seamlessly together and support traditional hybrid project management as well as hybrid approaches.” (Dr. Mey Mark Meyer, prometicon)
Here we present you some of the highlights of this software review. At the end of the page you will find a link to download the complete article.
PLANTA project is the core piece of PLANTA’s toolkit. It is a software which can also be run via web browser and which allows planners to plan and control projects in a detailed manner, e.g. via Gantt charts with key milestones. In multi-project management you stay on top of your projects in terms of dates, resource planning, and costs. The software already provides well-founded information on each project in the portfolio by means of evaluation functions, resource overviews, and graphical analyses , so that a project management office (PMO) really only required the PLANTA portfolio component to carry out in-depth analyses of project and project ideas as well as simulations.
PLANTA project now also uses Microsoft Adaptive Cards. Via this standard, applications can exchange active contents manufacturer-independent. When the project management receives, for example, an e‑mail notification on a change in the remaining effort, it can simply include this forecast in the project planning at the click of a button.
“The concept is convincing: This way, persons involved who hardly use the PM software can be integrated via the applications they use on a regular basis.
The agile PLANTA pulse component makes it easy for companies to involve all of their staff in their project management, for the access to task management via Kanban boards is kept simple. Each employee can also record his/her hours worked directly on the tasks, even when he/she is on the road.
PLANTA pulse can either be used as a standalone software for mere task management and agile project management or in combination with PLANTA project as a hybrid system regardless of the company size. Project teams can, e.g., also coordinate a share of the work packages of large-scale projects in the Kanban baord or in accordance with Scrum. Both worlds can easily be connected by marking tasks in the schedule as “to be synchronized”. Resource management is synchronized just like, e.g., project time recording and recording of hours worked. The information gathered in time recording are then taken into account in project controlling. This way, projects can, e.g., be analyzed in the course of a comparison of planned and actual values which was partially planned using the agile or traditional component.
You can use the software components as an SaaS solution for a monthly rent or run them on your own servers (on-premises). This also applies to the agile PLANTA pulse component.
”The close connection of all three components allows for an integrated project information system which adapts perfectly to your company processes“
“This way, the solution remains clearly arranged for all persons who work with it despite its strong performance.“
“PLANTA thus presents itself as an efficient and flexible tool for project tasks of any kind.“
Here you can download the complete software review
Source: 02/2023
This blog post has been translated by Julian Hammer
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