Best Hybrid System in Project Management Software Test
| Translated by Julian Hammer
All-in-one solution for large companies and agile project teams
Out of 29 tools, PLANTA project was rated best hybrid system in Trusted’s 2024 project management software test. In different scenarios, the portal for comparison and assessment for business software has examined range of functions, usability, and supported PM methods.
One of the best PM systems for large companies
PLANTA project has been rated one of the best PM systems for large companies — with respective scope of supply and the option to scale to huge numbers of employees. As Trusted emphasizes, there is no more necessity to connect third party systems since the system itself already contains tools for controlling, analysis of hours and budget, work load monitoring for the prevention of resource overload as well as comprehensive communication options. Via integrable portfolio management and other add-ons it can be expanded to serve as a multi-project information system with individual workflows. The software test put specil emphasis on the numerous configuration options of the system.
PLANTA is the top solution for hybrid project management
PLANTA suite offers great flexibility via hybrid deployment, as the portal acknowledges: „You thus make your own choice in terms of the tools you want to use and the project management methods you wish to employ.“
Traditional functions of the PLANTA software enable the planning of project steps with fixed sequence in Gantt charts in accordance with the cascade method. This generates a necessary project framework for particular project types (e.g. projects with long runtime) and allows for compliance with standardized project processes. PMO and management can monitor project progress and adherence to budget and dates at any time and retrieve trend analyses via reports. Utilization diagrams help to plan resources most efficiently.
The agile method gives project teams the liberty to steadily assign individual tasks in Kanban boards to team members and to change sub-objectives of the project even after project start. This allows for an optimal workflow, prevents task congestion, and provides better results.
„PLANTA project is particularly suitable for medium-sized to large companies. The software is also used by big players like Allianz or BMW and is not dedicated to a specific branch. Through modular solutions, you can put together a project management software that suits your specific company requirements. Depending on your requirements you can choose between a web-based or on-premises edition. You can furthermore decide whether you want to lease or buy the application. This guarantees flexibility.“
„PLANTA pulse is easy to use, fashionable, and a really smart program for your task editing. Although it does strongly resemble its fellow competitor Trello, it stands out since it can be expanded by further products of the software provider to become an all-in-one solution.“
Whitepaper Hybrid Project Management
Hybrid Project Management: How can we use traditional and agile PM methods in a skillful way?
Here you can find further information
Softwaretest by Trusted 2024
PLANTA project and 28 other project management software tools tested by Trusted (in German)
PLANTA pulse insights
PLANTA pulse on Capterra, business software selection platform, find insights and comparisons
PLANTA project insights
PLANTA project on Capterra, business software selection platform, find insights and reviews
This blog post has been translated by Julian Hammer
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