andrea jennifer schmidt planta

Andrea Jen­ni­fer Schmidt is an online mar­ke­ting mana­ger und tech­ni­cal wri­ter with seve­ral years of expe­ri­ence on pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware. She wri­tes for PLANTA’s online help, web­site and social media chan­nels, whe­re she shares her know­ledge and helps rea­ders to navi­ga­te the world of pro­jects and pro­ject manage­ment tools.


Blog posts:

New PLANTA Release: More Effi­ci­en­cy and Com­fort in Pro­ject Management 

By |2024–07-23T09:23:03+00:0020. Novem­ber 2023|Cate­go­ries: Blog Soft­ware|

Visua­li­ze, auto­ma­te, and con­trol infor­ma­ti­on in pro­ject manage­ment with more ease: the new release comes with num­e­rous new fea­tures and impro­ved user experience […]

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