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PLANTA proÂject Update OptiÂmiÂzes UsaÂbiÂliÂty and ResourÂce Planning
User-FriÂendÂly FuncÂtions for EffiÂciÂent ProÂject PlanÂning in the New PLANTA proÂject Update In PLANTA proÂject, our softÂware for mulÂti-proÂject manageÂment, usaÂbiÂliÂty is still the main focus. We have theÂrÂeÂfoÂre introÂduÂced new funcÂtions that […]
Why Do SME HesiÂtaÂte to Buy PM Software?
SucÂcessful proÂject manageÂment leads to comÂmerÂcial sucÂcess. The comÂmerÂcial sucÂcess of a comÂpaÂny depends stronÂgly on sucÂcessful proÂject manageÂment in the comÂpaÂny and on the use of suiÂtaÂble proÂject manageÂment software.
New PLANTA Release: More EffiÂciÂenÂcy and ComÂfort in ProÂject Management
VisuaÂliÂze, autoÂmaÂte, and conÂtrol inforÂmaÂtiÂon in proÂject manageÂment with more ease: the new release comes with numÂeÂrous new feaÂtures and improÂved user experience […]
ProÂject manageÂment softÂware by PLANTA is used in difÂfeÂrent sectors
PLANTA freÂquentÂly receiÂves outÂstanÂding scores in softÂware comparisons
- rated best hybrid-sysÂtem by Trusted
- 93% in the new softÂware comÂpaÂriÂson by
- in the BARC studies
For more inforÂmaÂtiÂon, pleaÂse refer to the CurÂrent PM SoftÂware ComÂpaÂriÂson blog article.
“Best hybrid sysÂtem” in the proÂject manageÂment softÂware test
TrusÂted, the comÂpaÂriÂson and assessÂment porÂtal for busiÂness softÂware, has comÂpared 29 tools which are currÂentÂly on the marÂket. PLANTA is the top soluÂtiÂon for hybrid proÂject management.