Gene­ral Terms and Conditions

PLANTA Pro­jekt­ma­nage­ment-Sys­te­me GmbH

I. Gene­ral Provisions

1. Con­tents of the Contract

1.1 The­se con­trac­tu­al terms and con­di­ti­ons shall app­ly to all offers and con­tracts for goods and ser­vices bet­ween PLANTA and its busi­ness cus­to­mers (her­ein­af­ter: cus­to­mers). refer­red to as “cus­to­mers”). The customer’s terms and con­di­ti­ons shall not form part of the con­tract even if PLANTA per­forms the con­tract wit­hout objec­ting to the inclu­si­on of the customer’s terms and con­di­ti­ons. Addi­ti­ons and amend­ments to the con­tract must always be made in writing.

1.2 Infor­ma­ti­on con­tai­ned in bro­chu­res and adver­ti­sing mate­ri­al as well as pro­ject descrip­ti­ons by PLANTA con­sti­tu­te neither an offer nor a gua­ran­tee in a legal sen­se. It shall be the customer’s respon­si­bi­li­ty to review whe­ther the spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons of the sub­ject mat­ter of the con­tract meet the customer’s needs. Whe­re appli­ca­ble, the cus­to­mer will seek advice from PLANTA or third par­ties befo­re ente­ring into the contract.

1.3 Offers made by the cus­to­mer shall be bin­ding for the cus­to­mer for 3 weeks.

1.4 Offers from PLANTA are non-bin­ding. A con­tract shall not come into being until con­firm­ed in wri­ting by PLANTA or until PLANTA per­forms ser­vices or fur­nis­hes goods.

2. Con­fi­den­tia­li­ty and Safekeeping

2.1 For the peri­od befo­re, during and after the ter­mi­na­ti­on or per­for­mance of the con­tract, the par­ties under­ta­ke to keep con­fi­den­ti­al, not to dis­c­lo­se to third par­ties, and not to use in any way other than con­trac­tual­ly agreed, all infor­ma­ti­on (such as docu­ments, data) that con­ta­ins busi­ness or trade secrets, that is iden­ti­fied as con­fi­den­ti­al or is inher­ent­ly con­fi­den­ti­al by natu­re, and that my come to the par­ties’ know­ledge while the con­tract goods or ser­vices are being pro­vi­ded. The par­ties shall trans­fer such infor­ma­ti­on only to the per­son respon­si­ble in each case, and shall par­ti­cu­lar­ly call atten­ti­on to the con­fi­den­tia­li­ty obli­ga­ti­on. The par­ties shall pro­per­ly des­troy or return any infor­ma­ti­on that is no lon­ger required.

2.2 If PLANTA pro­vi­des addi­tio­nal secu­ri­ty mea­su­res at the request of the cus­to­mer, PLANTA shall invoice any addi­tio­nal expenses.

3. Coope­ra­ti­on of the Customer

3.1 The cus­to­mer shall sup­port PLANTA free of char­ge in per­forming the con­tract, and shall fur­nish in a time­ly man­ner all infor­ma­ti­on, as well as the equip­ment or faci­li­ties (e.g. com­pu­ters, tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, rooms) and per­son­nel, requi­red for the purpose.

3.2 The cus­to­mer shall appoint a know­led­geable cont­act per­son who is aut­ho­ri­zed to fur­nish and recei­ve bin­ding decla­ra­ti­ons nee­ded for the per­for­mance of the contract.

3.3 If the soft­ware sup­pli­ed fails to work cor­rect­ly, as a who­le or in part, the cus­to­mer shall take due pre­cau­ti­ons by back­ing up data, dia­gno­sing faults, per­forming ongo­ing checks, etc.

3.4 If the cus­to­mer does not duly com­ply with its obli­ga­ti­on to coope­ra­te, PLANTA may bill the cus­to­mer for the addi­tio­nal expen­se incur­red becau­se of the fail­ure to com­ply with that obli­ga­ti­on. This shall not affect PLANTA’s other legal rights.

4. Deli­very

4.1 Times indi­ca­ted for deli­very or per­for­mance are nonb­in­ding unless PLANTA has con­sen­ted to them in wri­ting as bin­ding. Par­ti­al deli­veries are per­mit­ted, if the cus­to­mer can make reasonable use of the deli­ver­ed parts in isolation.

4.2 If PLANTA can­not com­ply with a bin­ding deli­very date becau­se sup­pli­ers fail to deli­ver for reasons for which PLANTA is not at fault, or becau­se of non-coope­ra­ti­on by the cus­to­mer, employee ill­ness, labor dis­pu­tes, force majeu­re or other unfo­re­seen events, the agreed dead­line shall be post­po­ned by the length of the dis­rup­ti­on plus a fair and reasonable peri­od for resump­ti­on of busi­ness after the dis­rup­ti­on ends.

4.3 All war­ning noti­ces and noti­fi­ca­ti­ons of dead­lines from the cus­to­mer must be in wri­ting in order to take effect. Except in jus­ti­fied emer­gen­ci­es, grace peri­ods shall not be less than 10 working days.

4.4 If a deli­very is per­for­med by ship­ment, risk shall be trans­fer­red to the cus­to­mer at the time of con­sign­ment to the car­ri­er, and in no case later than the time at which the item to be deli­ver­ed lea­ves PLANTA’s plant or warehouse.

4.5 The cus­to­mer will recei­ve soft­ware in machi­ne-rea­da­ble form. In the absence of any agree­ment to the con­tra­ry, deli­veries will be made by having the cus­to­mer down­load the soft­ware or by sen­ding data media, or by instal­la­ti­on by PLANTA, at PLANTA’s dis­cre­ti­on. In the first two cases, the cus­to­mer shall per­form instal­la­ti­on its­elf, in accordance with the descrip­ti­ons in the manual.

4.6 Owner­ship of the deli­ver­ed items, as well as the rights the­r­ein (clau­ses II.1 and II.3) shall not be trans­fer­red to the cus­to­mer until the remu­ne­ra­ti­on due has been paid in full. Howe­ver, the cus­to­mer is entit­led under the law of obli­ga­ti­ons to use the mate­ri­als within the limits set by the con­tract for the peri­od from their deli­very until two weeks after the due date for the pay­ment obligation.

5. Pay­ment

5.1 The agreed remu­ne­ra­ti­on shall be paya­ble wit­hout deduc­tion within 14 days from the date of invoice. In the absence of any agree­ment to the con­tra­ry, PLANTA can­not issue bills for stan­dard soft­ware until the soft­ware has been recei­ved, or bills for cus­to­mi­zed soft­ware until the soft­ware has been accepted.

5.2 PLANTA’s pri­ces are unders­tood not to include ship­ping cos­ts, tra­vel or expen­ses. PLANTA’s cur­rent pri­ce list appli­es for the­se, and all other addi­tio­nal goods and ser­vices reques­ted by the cus­to­mer. Value-added tax will always be added to these.

5.3 If the cus­to­mer is in arre­ars with pay­ment, PLANTA shall be entit­led to char­ge late inte­rest of 8% abo­ve the base inte­rest rate as a mini­mum penal­ty. The pre­ce­ding pro­vi­si­on shall not affect PLANTA’s right to char­ge hig­her inte­rest for other legal reasons or becau­se of addi­tio­nal los­ses sustained.

5.4 The cus­to­mer may off­set pay­ments only against uncon­tes­ted claims or claims that are final and abso­lu­te. Any right of reten­ti­on may be based only on claims ari­sing from this contract.

6. Com­mit­ment to the Con­tract; Ter­mi­na­ti­on of the Contract

6.1 A ter­mi­na­ti­on of any fur­ther exch­an­ge of per­for­man­ces (for exam­p­le, in the event of with­dra­wal, pri­ce reduc­tion, dama­ges to be paid in place of per­for­mance, or can­cel­la­ti­on for good cau­se) must always be pre­ce­ded by a war­ning, sta­ting reasons and set­ting a fair grace peri­od to reme­dy the pro­blem. A grace peri­od may be omit­ted in the cases cited under § 323 clau­se 2 of the Ger­man Civil Code.

6.2 The par­ty that is whol­ly or pri­ma­ri­ly at fault for the pro­blem can­not demand a rescis­si­on of the contract.

6.3 If the cus­to­mer may, at its opti­on, assert claims for deli­very or reme­dy, or else claims direc­ted to pre­ma­tu­re­ly ter­mi­na­ting the exch­an­ge of goods and ser­vices, PLANTA may demand that the cus­to­mer exer­cise its rights within a fair and reasonable peri­od. If the cus­to­mer fails to exer­cise his rights within that peri­od, it can no lon­ger assert claims direc­ted to a pre­ma­tu­re ter­mi­na­ti­on of the exch­an­ge of goods and services.

7. Defects in Qua­li­ty and Title

7.1 The cus­to­mer shall imme­dia­te­ly inspect every PLANTA deli­very for com­ple­ten­ess and free­dom from defects. The cus­to­mer shall report any defects wit­hout delay, in wri­ting, inclu­ding a pre­cise descrip­ti­on. In the event of fail­ure to com­ply with this obli­ga­ti­on, the cus­to­mer can­not deri­ve rights from such defects, unless the defects were not appa­rent at the time of inspection.

7.2 PLANTA war­rants that the soft­ware and other results of its work are free from third-par­ty intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights, and shall hold the cus­to­mer harm­less from third-par­ty claims in the event that PLANTA has inf­rin­ged intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights.

7.3 The agreed func­tions of the soft­ware and other results of PLANTA’s work will be exe­cu­ta­ble wit­hout qua­li­ty defects under the con­di­ti­ons defi­ned in the manu­al. Qua­li­ty defects in this sen­se shall refer sole­ly to repro­du­ci­b­le errors that result in more than an incon­se­quen­ti­al impair­ment of func­tions, and that are cau­sed by defi­ci­en­ci­es in the qua­li­ty of the soft­ware or results of other work. Con­se­quent­ly, impai­red func­tio­ning cau­sed by hard­ware defi­ci­en­ci­es, envi­ron­men­tal con­di­ti­ons, impro­per ope­ra­ti­on, defec­ti­ve data, etc. shall not be a defect.

7.4 If errors occur sole­ly on the customer’s com­pu­ter, the cus­to­mer shall, at its dis­cre­ti­on, eit­her make its ori­gi­nal data invent­ories available to PLANTA, or grant PLANTA access via modem or ISDN to its com­pu­ter, or request on-site sup­port from PLANTA. In the lat­ter case, PLANTA shall bring the added expen­se to account.

7.5 If a respon­se time is agreed for a reme­dy (clau­se I.7.6), PLANTA shall start pro­ces­sing the error report within that time. The time requi­red to sol­ve the pro­blem will depend on the com­ple­xi­ty of the pro­blem and the urgen­cy fin­ding a solution.

7.6 PLANTA may satis­fy its war­ran­ty for defects of qua­li­ty and title by pro­vi­ding a reme­dy. At PLANTA’S dis­cre­ti­on, this may be done by cor­rec­ting the defect, deli­ve­ring a new release that is free from the defect, or poin­ting out pos­si­bi­li­ties for avo­i­ding the effects of the defect. It may the­r­e­fo­re not be pos­si­ble to ful­ly reme­dy the defect in every case. The cus­to­mer must accept a new release even if it ent­ails adjus­t­ment or con­ver­si­on pro­blems, so long as the­se are of such a natu­re that the cus­to­mer may reason­ab­ly be expec­ted to tolerate.

7.7 If a reme­dy is defi­ni­tively refu­sed or fails, or if the cus­to­mer can­not reason­ab­ly be expec­ted to tole­ra­te it, the cus­to­mer shall be entit­led at its dis­cre­ti­on to redu­ce the remu­ne­ra­ti­on or to with­draw from the con­tract. The cus­to­mer may cla­im dama­ges, or reim­bur­se­ment of was­ted expen­dit­ures cau­sed by defects, only under the con­di­ti­ons pre­scri­bed by law, and only in com­pli­ance with the exclu­si­ons and limi­ta­ti­ons pro­vi­ded under clau­se I. 8. No other claims resul­ting from defects shall be pos­si­ble. Claims direc­ted to a ter­mi­na­ti­on of the fur­ther exch­an­ge of goods and ser­vices may be asser­ted only under the fur­ther con­di­ti­ons gover­ned by clau­se I. 6.

7.8 At the customer’s request, PLANTA will assist the cus­to­mer in dia­gno­sing pro­blem, and also sup­port the cus­to­mer in cor­rec­ting such pro­blems, even if PLANTA is under no obli­ga­ti­on to do so. PLANTA shall bring the asso­cia­ted expen­ses to account.

7.9 Lia­bi­li­ty for defects shall lap­se if the sub­ject mat­ter of the con­tract has been modi­fied, unless the cus­to­mer can pro­ve that the defect has not­hing to do with such modifications.

7.10 The customer’s claims for defects shall expi­re one year after the begin­ning of the sta­tu­to­ry time bar peri­od, unless agreed other­wi­se below. The customer’s claims for reim­bur­se­ment of remu­ne­ra­ti­on, after a with­dra­wal from the con­tract or a pri­ce reduc­tion, shall have a limi­ta­ti­on peri­od of at least three month from the effec­ti­ve date of the decla­ra­ti­on of with­dra­wal or reduc­tion. If a legal defect is foun­ded in a third-par­ty right in rem under which that third par­ty is entit­led to demand that the cus­to­mer sur­ren­der a deli­ver­ed item, the sta­tu­te of limi­ta­ti­ons shall app­ly. In all cases, the time bar shall inter­ve­ne no later than the expi­ra­ti­on of the maxi­mum terms spe­ci­fied in § 199 of the Ger­man Civil Code (BGB). Clau­se I. 8. shall app­ly for the expi­ra­ti­on of cus­to­mer claims for dama­ges or reim­bur­se­ment of was­ted expen­dit­ures incur­red becau­se of defects.

8. Lia­bi­li­ty

8.1 The con­trac­tu­al par­ties shall pay dama­ges or reim­bur­se was­ted expen­dit­ures, irre­spec­ti­ve of the legal basis, only within the fol­lo­wing limits:

  1. In the case of willful mis­con­duct or absence of a war­ran­ted cha­rac­te­ristic, the lia­bi­li­ty of the con­trac­tu­al par­ties shall be unlimited.
  2. In the case of gross negli­gence, the con­trac­tu­al par­ties shall be lia­ble up to the typi­cal amount of loss fore­seeable at the time the con­tract was ente­red into.
  3. In the case of negli­gent breach of an obli­ga­ti­on mate­ri­al to the accom­plish­ment of the pur­po­se of the con­tract (mate­ri­al con­trac­tu­al obli­ga­ti­on), the con­trac­tu­al par­ties shall be lia­ble up to the amount of loss typi­cal­ly fore­seeable at the time when the con­tract was ente­red into, but not more than the sum cor­re­spon­ding to the total remu­ne­ra­ti­on under the contract.

8.2 PLANTA will res­to­re lost data from data invent­ories main­tai­ned by the cus­to­mer in machi­ne-rea­da­ble form only if res­to­ra­ti­on is pos­si­ble at a reasonable expen­se. A pre­re­qui­si­te for data res­to­ra­ti­on is full data back­up for the past 20 working days and the past 3 months. Other­wi­se, the cus­to­mer shall assu­me the con­se­quen­ces for any loss of data.

8.3 Cus­to­mer claims for dama­ges or reim­bur­se­ment of was­ted expen­dit­ures shall expi­re one year after the sta­tu­to­ri­ly estab­lished com­mence­ment of the time bar peri­od. Limi­ta­ti­on shall inter­ve­ne no later than the expi­ra­ti­on of the maxi­mum terms spe­ci­fied in § 199 of the Ger­man Civil Code (BGB). In cases of willful mis­con­duct, gross negli­gence, absence of a war­ran­ted cha­rac­te­ristic, or frau­du­lent intent, the time bar on claims for dama­ges or reim­bur­se­ment of was­ted expen­dit­ures shall be gover­ned by the terms of law.

8.4 Sub­sec­tions 1 through 3 shall not affect the customer’s legal rights under the Ger­man Pro­duct Lia­bi­li­ty Act, or in the event of bodi­ly inju­ry, ill­ness or death

II. Soft­ware Licensing

1. Sub­ject Mat­ter of Con­tract for PLANTA Software

1.1 The sub­ject mat­ter of the con­tract shall be the deli­very and trans­fer of PLANTA soft­ware (pro­gram and manu­al). The soft­ware is eli­gi­ble for copyright.

1.2 The cus­to­mer shall recei­ve a non-exclu­si­ve, non-time-limi­t­ed aut­ho­riza­ti­on to use PLANTA soft­ware in the customer’s place of busi­ness for the customer’s own pur­po­ses. To this end, the cus­to­mer may install the PLANTA data­ba­se on only one ser­ver at the customer’s place of busi­ness; this ser­ver may be acces­sed by the cus­to­mer or cus­to­mer-aut­ho­ri­zed third par­ties via PLANTA soft­ware cli­ents. The cus­to­mer may make back­up copies in accordance with the sta­te of the art.

1.3 If the cus­to­mer uses PLANTA soft­ware in asso­cia­ti­on with other soft­ware (e.g. a data­ba­se manage­ment sys­tem from ano­ther maker), the cus­to­mer its­elf shall bear the respon­si­bi­li­ty for the opti­mum admi­nis­tra­ti­on and set­tings of this software.

1.4 The cus­to­mer may make copies of the PLANTA manu­al only for pur­po­ses of use in accordance with the con­tract. Soft­ware copies (ser­ver and data­ba­se) made for test­ing or trai­ning pur­po­ses shall be dee­med uses in accordance with the contract.

1.5 PLANTA reta­ins all other rights in the soft­ware. For that reason, the cus­to­mer is pro­hi­bi­ted from exer­cis­ing any other forms or pos­si­bi­li­ties of use (e.g. revi­si­ons other than the copies men­tio­ned under 1.2 and 1.4). The cus­to­mer trans­fer the soft­ware to third par­ties only by writ­ten per­mis­si­on from PLANTA; PLANTA shall grant such permission

  • if the cus­to­mer trans­fers to the third par­ty the data medi­um han­ded over to the customer,
  • dele­tes all other copies in exis­tence on the customer’s premises,
  • defi­ni­tively aban­dons its own use and sends PLANTA writ­ten con­fir­ma­ti­on that the abo­ve men­tio­ned con­di­ti­ons are met,
  • if, in addi­ti­on, the third par­ty decla­res in wri­ting to PLANTA that the third par­ty will abide by the terms and con­di­ti­ons of the con­tract ente­red into with the customer,
  • and if the­re is no good cau­se for oppo­sing the fur­ther transfer.

Branch offices and sub­si­dia­ries or parent com­pa­nies shall also be third par­ties within the mea­ning of this provision.

1.6 The­se obli­ga­ti­ons shall sur­vi­ve the ter­mi­na­ti­on of the con­trac­tu­al rela­ti­onship. In the case of willful or gross­ly negli­gent breach, PLANTA shall be entit­led to demand a con­trac­tu­al penal­ty of 150 % of the agreed con­trac­tu­al remu­ne­ra­ti­on, and in no case less than EUR 10,000.

2. Indi­vi­du­al Cus­to­mi­zing of the PLANTA Software

2.1 Cus­to­mi­zed ver­si­ons crea­ted by PLANTA for the cus­to­mer may devia­te from the stan­dard PLANTA soft­ware in their user inter­face, the admi­nis­te­red data, and the pro­ces­sing and methods they employ accor­ding to cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic requirements.

2.2. The cus­to­mer shall pro­vi­de test data and tar­get test results for the cus­to­mi­zed ver­si­on, in the form reques­ted by PLANTA.

2.3. If fac­to­ry accep­tance takes place pri­or to deli­very, the cus­to­mer shall review the cus­to­mi­zed ver­si­ons on the basis of the work descrip­ti­on. If the cus­to­miza­ti­on of the PLANTA soft­ware is part of a lar­ger sys­tem, fac­to­ry accep­tance shall take place at the customer’s pre­mi­ses, if PLANTA so requests.

2.4. A 10-day accep­tance peri­od shall com­mence upon the decla­ra­ti­on of deli­very. Accep­tance shall take place if the cus­to­mer has not given noti­ce of any sub­stan­ti­ve defect under the pro­ce­du­res estab­lished in the contract.

3. Third Par­ty Software

3.1 In the case of third-par­ty soft­ware resold by PLANTA, the scope of deli­very shall be limi­t­ed to the pro­gram and the manuals.

3.2 PLANTA shall trans­fer to the cus­to­mer only tho­se rights of use that the sup­pli­er grants con­sis­t­ent­ly with cus­to­ma­ry mar­ket prac­ti­ces. The­se rights are lis­ted in the licen­se agree­ment of the sup­pli­er or maker of the third-par­ty soft­ware. PLANTA shall fur­ther that licen­se agree­ment to the cus­to­mer on request.

3.3 In the event of defects in third-par­ty soft­ware, the cus­to­mer must first choo­se by writ­ten decla­ra­ti­on whe­ther it intends to assert claims against PLANTA under the terms of clau­se I. 7., or whe­ther it will accept assign­ment by PLANTA of PLANTA’s war­ran­ty claims against the pri­or sup­pli­er. This choice shall be binding.

III. PLANTA Soft­ware Care

  1. Soft­ware care shall be pro­vi­ded for the most recent aut­ho­ri­zed release of the soft­ware and its manu­als. Sup­port care addi­tio­nal­ly includes maintenance.
  1. The term main­ten­an­ce refers to the eli­mi­na­ti­on of qua­li­ty defects in accordance with I. 7. For mal­func­tions, I. 7. and I. 8. shall be appli­ca­ble. Any right to a pri­ce reduc­tion shall app­ly only to the peri­od in which the dis­rup­ti­on occurs, com­men­cing with the defect report.
  1. The customer’s obli­ga­ti­on to coope­ra­te in accordance with I. 3. shall also app­ly to care. The cont­act per­son must be com­pe­tent in the spe­ci­fic field con­cer­ned. Other­wi­se, PLANTA shall bring any addi­tio­nal expen­ses to account.
  1. Once a new PLANTA release has been put into pro­duc­ti­ve ope­ra­ti­on, the right of use for the pri­or release shall expire.
    The start­ing date for soft­ware care is the date on which the PLANTA stan­dard soft­ware is deli­ver­ed and shall be dee­med to be firm­ly agreed for a peri­od of 3 years. If noti­ce of ter­mi­na­ti­on is not given 12 months pri­or to the expiry of the con­tract, soft­ware care shall auto­ma­ti­cal­ly be exten­ded by ano­ther year. Noti­ce of ter­mi­na­ti­on must be in wri­ting in order to be effective.
  1. If fur­ther soft­ware modu­les are added during the peri­od of vali­di­ty of the agree­ment, or if the quan­ti­ty sca­le is increased, such chan­ges shall be included in the cur­rent soft­ware main­ten­an­ce con­tract with a cor­re­spon­ding pri­ce adjus­t­ment upon delivery.
  1. PLANTA is obli­ged to issue at least one rele­vant release each year.


PLANTA reser­ves the right to men­ti­on the coope­ra­ti­on with the cli­ent or the pro­ject con­duc­ted in coope­ra­ti­on with the cli­ent both in writ­ten form and ver­bal­ly in its com­pa­ny pre­sen­ta­ti­on and to publish the client’s com­pa­ny logo on the “Refe­rence” page of its website.

V. Final Provisions

  1. Except in cases under § 354 a of the Ger­man Com­mer­cial Code, the cus­to­mer may trans­fer claims against PLANTA only with PLANTA’s writ­ten consent.
  1. The place of juris­dic­tion for any dis­pu­tes ari­sing in con­nec­tion with this con­trac­tu­al rela­ti­onship shall be Karls­ru­he, Ger­ma­ny, if the cus­to­mer is a mer­chant, a legal enti­ty under public law, or a segre­ga­ted fund under public law, or if the cus­to­mer has no gene­ral place of juris­dic­tion of its own in Germany.
  1. The laws of the Fede­ral Repu­blic of Ger­ma­ny shall app­ly exclu­si­ve­ly, exclu­ding the UNCITRAL laws on purcha­ses and sales.
  1. The Ger­man ver­si­on of the­se Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons shall be the sole basis for their interpretation.

Sta­te: 01/29/2024