Cus­to­mer Area Terms and Con­di­ti­ons of Use

PLANTA Pro­jekt­ma­nage­ment-Sys­te­me GmbH

1 Sub­ject mat­ter and field of application

  1. The cus­to­mer area of PLANTA Pro­jekt­ma­nage­ment-Sys­te­me GmbH, Bun­sen­stra­ße 14, D‑76135 at may only be used on the basis of the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons (her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as: “terms and con­di­ti­ons of use”). Other con­di­ti­ons shall not beco­me con­tent of this con­tract, even if PLANTA does not expres­si­ve­ly con­tra­dicts them.
  1. The­se terms and con­di­ti­ons of use govern the con­trac­tu­al rela­ti­onship bet­ween PLANTA and the natu­ral or legal per­sons using the plat­form (her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as “user”). The terms and con­di­ti­ons of use are sent to the user as part of the cus­to­mer area regis­try pro­ce­du­re (see sec­tion 2 of the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons of use) and can be prin­ted out.
  1. PLANTA reser­ves the right to chan­ge its terms and con­di­ti­ons of use. Chan­ges to the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons of use will be announ­ced to regis­tered users via e‑mail at least six weeks ahead. They are con­side­red as accept­ed if the user does not revo­ke within six weeks after recep­ti­on of this announce­ment. Your noti­ce of oppo­si­ti­on must only be sent time­ly within the spe­ci­fied peri­od of time. The noti­ce of oppo­si­ti­on can be sent via mail or e‑mail to the addres­ses spe­ci­fied under Head Office. PLANTA com­mits its­elf to point out the six week peri­od and the legal con­se­quen­ces of remai­ning silent expli­cit­ly in the e‑mail announ­cing the chan­ge. The men­tio­ned legal con­se­quence only takes effect if the user has actual­ly been informed.

2 Requi­re­ments for using the cus­to­mer area

  1. Requi­re­ments for using the cus­to­mer area are
  • the con­clu­si­on of a soft­ware main­ten­an­ce con­tract for PLANTA soft­ware bet­ween PLANTA and the enter­pri­se or com­pa­ny or employ­er of the user, OR
  • the con­clu­si­on of a test­ing agree­ment for PLANTA soft­ware bet­ween PLANTA and the enter­pri­se or com­pa­ny or employ­er of the user

and the regis­tra­ti­on as a user of the cus­to­mer area.

  1. An agree­ment on the use of the cus­to­mer area(hereinafter refer­red to as “licen­se agree­ment”) is for­med by the customer’s infor­mal appli­ca­ti­on to PLANTA for access to the cus­to­mer area and PLANTA’s offer for the con­clu­si­on of a licen­se agree­ment by dis­patching the cus­to­mer area access infor­ma­ti­on to the cus­to­mer and the customer’s accep­tance of this offer by regis­tering as a cus­to­mer area user.
  1. For the regis­tra­ti­on, the trans­mis­si­on of a valid e‑mail address, a user name, a cus­to­mer name and a com­pa­ny address to PLANTA is requi­red. In the cour­se of his regis­tra­ti­on, the user shall not vio­la­te any third par­ty rights. A vio­la­ti­on of any third par­ty rights may be given, e.g., if per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on or other third par­ty data, e.g. name or e‑mail address, is used wit­hout their consent.
  1. A trans­fer of the licen­se agree­ment to any third par­ty is not per­mit­ted. Mul­ti­ple regis­tra­ti­ons are not allowed.
  1. The user is obli­ged to keep the pass­word gene­ra­ted upon regis­tra­ti­on secret and not to pass it on to any third per­son. If the user suspects that his access data have beco­me known to a third per­son or that a third per­son has unaut­ho­ri­zed access to the cus­to­mer area, he or she is obli­ged to inform PLANTA and chan­ge his or her access data right away. PLANTA will not make the pass­word available to any third per­son and will not ask you to dis­c­lo­se your pass­word via pho­ne, e‑mail or any other inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on chan­nel at any time.

3 Scope of sup­p­ly of the cus­to­mer area

  1. For users, the access to the cus­to­mer area is free of char­ge. The cus­to­mer area can be acces­sed via com­mon inter­net brow­sers. The inter­net con­nec­tion its­elf is not included in the scope of sup­p­ly of the cus­to­mer area.
  1. Via the cus­to­mer area, the user has the chan­ce to down­load PLANTA soft­ware and new soft­ware ver­si­ons as well as the cor­re­spon­ding docu­men­ta­ti­on and use them in accordance with the PLANTA Licen­se and Soft­ware Main­ten­an­ce Terms, acces­si­ble under Terms and Conditions.
  1. The user has no cla­im to the reten­ti­on of the func­tion­a­li­ties and ser­vices of the cus­to­mer area as pro­vi­ded at the time of his or her regis­tra­ti­on. PLANTA reser­ves the right to rest­rict the func­tion­a­li­ty and ser­vice of the cus­to­mer area in part or tem­po­r­a­ri­ly in who­le. In order for the cus­to­mer area to be adjus­ted con­ti­nuous­ly accor­ding to cus­to­mer wis­hes, PLANTA has the right to disable sub­are­as of the cus­to­mer area tem­po­r­a­ri­ly or per­ma­nent­ly or to com­ple­te them and adjust the scope of sup­p­ly accordingly.

4 Gene­ral terms and con­di­ti­ons of use for the cus­to­mer area

  1. PLANTA has the right to pro­vi­sio­nal­ly block the access to the cus­to­mer area if the­re is reasonable doubt about the legi­ti­ma­cy of usa­ge. PLANTA will inform the user of such blo­cking imme­dia­te­ly and set a reasonable peri­od of time for him or her to make a statement.

5 Dura­ti­on and ter­mi­na­ti­on of the licen­se agreement

  1. The licen­se agree­ment starts with the customer’s regis­tra­ti­on as a user of the cus­to­mer area (see § 2 sec­tion 2 and sec­tion 3 of the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons of use).
  1. The licen­se agree­ment auto­ma­ti­cal­ly ends with the ter­mi­na­ti­on of the soft­ware main­ten­an­ce agree­ment or the con­tract on the PLANTA soft­ware test­ing agreement.
  2. The user can ter­mi­na­te the licen­se agree­ment at any time befo­re the auto­ma­tic ter­mi­na­ti­on accor­ding to sec­tion 2, wit­hout com­ply­ing with a cer­tain dead­line by sen­ding his noti­ce to PLANTA Pro­ject­ma­nage­ment-Sys­te­me GmbH, Bun­sen­str. 14, D‑76135 Karls­ru­he, or via e‑mail to PLANTA does not have the right to ter­mi­na­te the licen­se agree­ment ordi­na­ri­ly. This does not affect PLANTA’s right to ter­mi­na­te the licen­se agree­ment extraordinarily.
  3. PLANTA has the right to ter­mi­na­te the licen­se agree­ment extra­or­di­na­ri­ly upon serious or sus­tained inf­rin­ge­ment by the user wit­hout com­ply­ing with a cer­tain dead­line and to block the user’s access to the cus­to­mer area.

6 Indem­ni­fi­ca­ti­on and reim­bur­se­ment of expenditures

  1. PLANTA assu­mes no lia­bi­li­ty for infor­ma­ti­on and data of any third per­son. This appli­es par­ti­cu­lar­ly to com­ple­ten­ess, cor­rect­ness, free­dom from rights of any third par­ty or the con­for­mi­ty with legal requi­re­ments or other man­da­to­ry regulations.
  1. PLANTA assu­mes no respon­si­bi­li­ty for errors, defaults, inter­rup­ti­ons, dele­ti­ons, defects, delays upon ope­ra­ti­on or trans­fer, break­downs of the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on line as well as unaut­ho­ri­zed access to, or theft, des­truc­tion or modi­fi­ca­ti­on of user con­tents. PLANTA is not respon­si­ble for any pro­blems or tech­ni­cal mal­func­tions with respect to tele­pho­ne net­works or lines, online sys­tems, ser­vers or pro­vi­ders, com­pu­ter equip­ment, soft­ware, as well as for break­downs due to tech­ni­cal pro­blems or data con­ges­ti­on in the inter­net and/or the cus­to­mer area or a com­bi­na­ti­on of all of this. PLANTA does not assu­me lia­bi­li­ty for the trans­mis­si­on and/or the time­ly trans­mis­si­on of infor­ma­ti­on, data, e‑mails and other messages.
  1. PLANTA will pay dama­ges or reim­bur­se was­ted expen­dit­ures, irre­spec­ti­ve of the legal basis, only to the fol­lo­wing extent:
  • The lia­bi­li­ty based on intent and war­ran­ty is unlimited.
  • In case of gross negli­gence, PLANTA shall be lia­ble up to the typi­cal amount of loss fore­seeable at the time of con­clu­si­on of the contract.
  • Fur­ther­mo­re, PLANTA is only lia­ble upon des­truc­tion of life, bodi­ly inju­ry and dama­ge to health.
  1. The right to con­test objec­tion of con­tri­bu­to­ry negli­gence remains open to PLANTA.

7 Mis­cel­la­neous

  1. The laws of the Fede­ral Repu­blic of Ger­ma­ny app­ly to this con­tract with the exclu­si­on of pri­va­te inter­na­tio­nal law and the UN Sales Con­ven­ti­on which was adopted to Ger­man law.
  2. For busi­ness con­tracts, juris­dic­tion for all dis­pu­tes in con­nec­tion with and ari­sing from this con­tract shall be the resi­dence of PLANTA. PLANTA also has the right to sue at the user’s gene­ral jurisdiction.

Date: June 2019