Beco­me a part of our team at the IT loca­ti­on Karlsruhe

Erfolgreich im Beruf, Mann im Anzug fliegt mit Düsenrucksack

We want you

Job vacan­ci­es
for care­er beginners,
expert and admi­nis­tra­ti­ve staff
App­ren­ti­ce­ship places
final papers for
Bache­lor and Master

Our com­pa­ny culture

At PLANTA we app­re­cia­te good inter­per­so­nal rela­ti­onships and team work. Employee satis­fac­tion is our prio­ri­ty, the­r­e­fo­re PLANTA offers:

  • com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty of job and family
  • high per­cen­ta­ge of fema­le employees
  • fle­xi­ble time manage­ment, home office as required
  • PLANTA sup­ports the Fair Com­pa­ny initia­ti­ve by
  • app­ren­ti­ce­ship with the pro­s­pect of being hired

PLANTA is a value-ori­en­ted com­pa­ny. The fol­lo­wing values are the­r­e­fo­re of pivo­tal importance for us both in per­so­nal rela­ti­onships as well as towards our customers:

  • hel­pful­ness
  • solu­ti­on-ori­en­ted thin­king and acting
  • lear­ning employees
  • hones­ty
  • per­so­nal initiative
  • straight­for­ward­ness
  • relia­bi­li­ty

At PLANTA you will find

  • the oppor­tu­ni­ty to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the deve­lo­p­ment of an inte­res­t­ing and inno­va­ti­ve software
  • the oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow within a dyna­mic company
  • fle­xi­ble working times
  • flat hier­ar­chies and short decis­i­on paths
  • a gre­at working atmo­sphe­re with strong team spirit
  • the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work in a dedi­ca­ted team
  • a plea­sant working atmo­sphe­re in a plea­sing envi­ron­ment in Karlsruhe

Inte­res­ted? Plea­se send your appli­ca­ti­on docu­ments in elec­tro­nic form, detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on see abo­ve “Tips for your application”.

App­ren­ti­ce­ship places

PLANTA has been trai­ning app­ren­ti­ces in the field of IT sin­ce 1997. This year PLANTA offers app­ren­ti­ce­ship places in the fol­lo­wing IT professions:

Infor­ma­ti­ons- und Tele­kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­ons­sys­tem­kauf­man­n/-frau

Fachinformatiker/in (Fach­rich­tung Anwendungsentwicklung)

Fachinformatiker/in (Fach­rich­tung Systemintegration)

Fachinformatiker/in (Fach­rich­tung Daten- und Prozessanalyse)

For fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on about the app­ren­ti­ce­ships and trai­ning con­tents, see the web­sites Bun­des­mi­nis­te­ri­ums für Wirt­schaft and IHK Karls­ru­he.

You have

  • gene­ral matri­cu­la­ti­on stan­dard or sub­ject rela­ted ent­rance qualification
  • good spo­ken and writ­ten com­mand of Ger­man and English
  • basic pro­gramming skills in an object ori­en­ted pro­gramming lan­guage (pre­fer­a­b­ly Python, alter­na­tively Java, or the like)
  • the moti­va­ti­on to advan­ce your pro­fes­sio­nal deve­lo­p­ment based on your per­so­nal initiative
  • fle­xi­bi­li­ty and a good sen­se of responsibility
  • ambi­ti­on, crea­ti­vi­ty, and motivation

We offer

  • par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the deve­lo­p­ment of an inte­res­t­ing and inno­va­ti­ve software
  • a chan­ce to grow within a dyna­mic company
  • fle­xi­ble work times
  • flat hier­ar­chies and short decis­i­on paths
  • a gre­at working atmo­sphe­re with strong team spirit
  • beco­ming part of a dedi­ca­ted team
  • a plea­sant working atmo­sphe­re in a plea­sing envi­ron­ment in Karlsruhe
  • Wir bilden aus IHK


Intern­ship and working students

You want to breath a bit of IT air, put your theo­re­ti­cal know­ledge into prac­ti­ce, or sim­ply get to know some­thing enti­re­ly new? We gene­ral­ly offer diver­se acti­vi­ties in all com­pa­ny are­as. Cont­act us to get an indi­vi­dua­li­zed descrip­ti­on of topics/tasks.

We are curr­ent­ly loo­king for stu­dent assistants in the fol­lo­wing areas

Final papers (Bachelor/Master)

Are you curr­ent­ly working on your the­sis, or will begin to do so in the near future, and want to inte­gra­te more prac­ti­cal con­tent? Do you have a sub­ject which you would like to dis­cuss with us in the cour­se of your paper?

In order for us to be able to assist you in this, we requi­re pre­cise spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons from you:

  • At which insti­tu­te do you wri­te your paper?
  • What is the sub­ject of the paper? What does the coar­se break­down of your paper look like?

Inte­res­ted? Plea­se send your appli­ca­ti­on docu­ments in elec­tro­nic form, detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on see abo­ve “Tips for your application”.