Com­pa­ny Details

PLANTA Pro­jekt­ma­nage­ment-Sys­te­me GmbH

Head office

Bun­sen­stra­ße 14
D‑76135 Karlsruhe
Pho­ne: +49 721 8281111

Mana­ging director

Sne­z­a­na Spasenovic

Foun­der: Gün­ter Matthes (CEO 1980–2022)

Data pro­tec­tion commissioner

PLANTA’s com­pa­ny data pro­tec­tion com­mis­sio­ner can be contacted
at the address spe­ci­fied abo­ve, for the atten­ti­on of Mr. Mar­kus Schrey­er or
by sen­ding an e‑mail to

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on data pro­tec­tion at PLANTA, plea­se refer to our Pri­vay poli­cy.

Local court (regis­ter)

Mann­heim HRB 103150 local court

Regis­tra­ti­on number

HRB 103150

Sales tax iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on number

Bank account
Deut­sche Bank AG Karlsruhe
Sort code 66070004, Account 1477744,
IBAN DE12 660 700 040 1477744 00

Sources for images used

The­se com­pa­ny details app­ly to:


Lia­bi­li­ty for contents

As a ser­vice pro­vi­der, we are respon­si­ble for own con­tents on the­se web­sites sub­ject to gene­ral legis­la­ti­on. Accor­ding to §§ 8 to 10 of TMG, as a ser­vice pro­vi­der, we are not obli­ged to moni­tor infor­ma­ti­on trans­fer­red or stored by third par­ties or to inves­ti­ga­te any cir­cum­s­tances that may indi­ca­te ille­gal acti­vi­ty. Obli­ga­ti­ons to remo­ve or block the usa­ge of infor­ma­ti­on sub­ject to gene­ral legis­la­ti­on remain unaf­fec­ted. Any lia­bi­li­ty in this respect shall, howe­ver, only be pos­si­ble from the moment of actu­al noti­ce of a spe­ci­fic vio­la­ti­on of law. Upon dis­co­very of any such rights vio­la­ti­on, the con­tents in ques­ti­on will be remo­ved immediately.

Lia­bi­li­ty note

Despi­te accu­ra­te and con­stant con­tent checks, we shall not be held lia­ble for the con­tents of exter­nal web­sites that are lin­ked direct­ly or indi­rect­ly on this web­site via hyper­links or deeplinks (her­ein­af­ter cal­led: “exter­nal links”). Respon­si­bi­li­ty for the con­tent of such lin­ked pages lies exclu­si­ve­ly with the ope­ra­tors. Exter­nal links were che­cked for pos­si­ble rights vio­la­ti­ons befo­re they were lin­ked. Ille­gal con­tents were not reco­gnizable when the links were crea­ted. We have no influence on the cur­rent and future crea­ti­on of exter­nal links, their con­tents or aut­hor­ship. We the­r­e­fo­re distance our­sel­ves from all con­tents of the lin­ked web­sites which have been chan­ged after they were lin­ked. Upon noti­ce of ille­gal or incor­rect con­tents in exter­nal links, such links will be deleted.

Legal infor­ma­ti­on


All pri­ces on this web­site are net pri­ces The sales tax is added to all sums, pro­vi­ded that the volu­me of sales is not exempt­ed from the sales tax.

Vali­di­ty of prices

The pri­ces app­ly from 12/01/2005.
They app­ly for count­ries within the Euro zone. For Switz­er­land, plea­se cont­act PLANTA CH.

Brands and logos

PLANTA holds the rights to the fol­lo­wing brands: PLANTA, PLANTA pro­ject, PLANTA port­fo­lio, PLANTA pul­se, PLANTA the pro­ject pro­fes­sio­nals (tog­e­ther: “the PLANTA trade­marks”). Only PLANTA Ger­ma­ny and PLANTA Switz­er­land have the right to use the PLANTA brands.

The PLANTA brands may be used for adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses and other publi­ca­ti­ons, upon pri­or writ­ten agree­ment from PLANTA GmbH. The right to use the PLANTA part­ner logo can only be gran­ted by PLANTA Germany.

Intellec­tu­al property

Texts and visua­liza­ti­ons on our web­site are legal­ly pro­tec­ted. The exclu­si­ve rights to the­se con­tents resi­de with PLANTA Pro­ject Manage­ment GmbH. Wit­hout pri­or writ­ten agree­ment from PLANTA, they shall not be used, dupli­ca­ted, edi­ted, or dis­tri­bu­ted in any way.

PLANTA respects all author’s and brand rights. Pro­tec­ted third par­ty items are mark­ed accor­din­gly on the web­site. Notes on author’s or brand rights shall be con­side­red and com­pli­ed with.


PLANTA GmbH accepts no lia­bi­li­ty whatsoe­ver for the cor­rect­ness, cur­rent rele­van­ce and com­ple­ten­ess of the details con­tai­ned on PLANTA’s web­sites. Pro­duct descrip­ti­ons, illus­tra­ti­ons, etc., are mere­ly per­for­mance descrip­ti­ons and do not con­sti­tu­te a gua­ran­tee. PLANTA accepts no lia­bi­li­ty whatsoe­ver for dama­ges that occur in con­nec­tion with the use of the infor­ma­ti­on con­tai­ned on the websites.

PLANTA GmbH reser­ves the right to chan­ge the infor­ma­ti­on on its web­sites at any time and wit­hout pri­or notice.