PLANTA softÂware is used in all sectors
The PLANTA softÂware is suiÂtaÂble for all ecoÂnoÂmic secÂtors. TheÂse are priÂmaÂriÂly: IT, banks, and insuÂrance comÂpaÂnies, engiÂneeÂring and plant conÂsÂtrucÂtion, as well as autoÂmoÂbiÂle manuÂfacÂtuÂrÂers and suppliers.
PLANTA SoftÂware in Use
CusÂtoÂmers from difÂfeÂrent secÂtors tell how they beneÂfit from the impleÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon of PLANTA proÂject manÂanÂgeÂment software
With PLANTA, our proÂject landÂscape has becoÂme more easiÂly accesÂsiÂble than ever.
The impleÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon of the new PM sysÂtem has signiÂfiÂcantÂly and meaÂsurÂaÂbÂly increased adheÂrence to deliÂvery dates.
The beneÂfit of the new tool is not limiÂtÂed to the fact that it enables all employees to manaÂge their tasks in boards but it also improÂves comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtiÂon and colÂlaÂboÂraÂtiÂon significantly.
The impleÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon of the defiÂned proÂject apprÂoval proÂcess was a genuiÂne milestone. |
YamaiÂchi Electronics
The increÂasing focus on important proÂjects improÂves the proÂject situaÂtiÂon, but aboÂve all it faciÂliÂtaÂtes adheÂrence to the schedule. |
Dr. WillÂmar Schwabe
The new softÂware helps us to betÂter admiÂnisÂtraÂte and prioÂriÂtiÂze deveÂloÂpÂment proÂjects in a softÂware-aided manner. |
HerÂmes ArzÂneiÂmitÂtel GmbH
The conÂnecÂtion to the extenÂsiÂve dataÂbaÂse enviÂronÂment perÂmits end-to-end inforÂmaÂtiÂon flow, and the autoÂmaÂted effort assignÂment also proÂduÂces cost transparency. |
The impleÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon of PLANTA proÂject instantÂly improÂved the overÂall view of all runÂning projects. |
eQ‑3 AG
PLANTA proÂject meets the extenÂded finanÂcial disÂcloÂsure obliÂgaÂtiÂons and supÂports the SOX standard. |
Renk Magnet-Motor GmbH
For the first time, reliaÂble stateÂments about actuÂal proÂject cosÂts after a project’s cloÂsure can be made. |
DRV Baden-WürtÂtemÂberg