40 Successful Years on the PM Software Market
| Translated by Julian Hammer
19th PLANTA User Forum 2020 with Future Topics
Digitalization, innovation, project management 4.0, future of the working world – this range of topics is quite current, especially for project-driven companies. In the year of its 40th anniversary as a successful competitor on the market for project management software, PLANTA offers a special user forum with specialist presentations on these current questions by renowned speakers. PLANTA customers get valuable suggestions for equipping themselves for the challenges of digitalization in the project management sector.
Since the pioneer days of the first PLANTA project version (which was developed back then under the name PPMS in the course of a BMFT research project at the Karlsruhe University) PLANTA has kept up a high degree of innovation in its software, orienting it towards the current requirements of the market and of its customers. New software components for customizing, project portfolio management, integration in other systems, special data security, and last but not least the new collaboration tool PLANTA pulse for agile project management are useful extensions of the core product of the multi-project management software. The new integrated hybrid system offers unique benefit for the flexible planning of projects or subprojects with agile, traditional, or hybrid project management methods depending on your requirements.
PLANTA has continuously expanded its presence on the market. The software company from Karlsruhe has accompanied more than 600 customers from all sectors with about 60.000 users on their way to a reliable PM software. The close customer contact has always been reflected by the well attended PLANTA customer forums. They give customers and employees the chance to network and to exchange their experiences. Here, PLANTA presents its latest software versions and customers usually report their experiences with the software from a user’s point of view. For the anniversary customer forum on June 17 – 18, 2020, PLANTA has put together a quite current program in the course of a special symposium at the Karlsruhe castle and at the NOVOTEL hotel.
Program of the 19th PLANTA User Forum 2020
The user forum will be held in German
KEYNOTE: Kai Gondlach Die Zukunft der Arbeitswelt
Future does not simply come along, future must be shaped!
Do not believe in any mega trend! What might sound unusual from the mouth of a futurologist is indeed meant seriously: Kai Gondlach, born in 1987, is one of the first academic futurologists in Germany. In his studies he deals with future living environments, business models, and organizational structures. He points out decisive — often unpleasant — issues of the future and keeps looking for answers through conversations with the world’s most important decision.makers in the field of innovation. He continuously tracks down trends and disruptions of coming years — not by scrying but through scientific methodology. For future is his passion; the people shaping it, his daily business partners.
Thomas Brunschede, Le Bihan: Erstens kommt es anders… Warum uns die Digitalisierung noch überraschen wird
Besides the general aspects of digitalization, Thomas Brunschede will also elaborate on the impact of digitalization on project management and on the sectors which are subject to intense transformation. Since 1997, Thomas Brunschede has been working as a consultant, trainer, and coach, and since 2008 he is CEO of Le Bihan Consulting GmbH. In presentations, seminars, and lectures as a guest lecturer at universities, he puts emphasis on the integration of PM solutions in companies and on the interaction between software, organization, human, and methods.
Marcus Strand, DHBW Karlsruhe: Effiziente kollaborierende Robotersysteme durch intelligente Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion
The presentation by Prof. Marcus Strand takes us to the current future topic of robots and their interaction with humans. Prof. Strand carries out research in the field of informatics and robotics on the topics of mobile robots, man-machine interaction, and collaborating robots. After having worked, a.o., at FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik in Karlsruhe in the field of »Intelligent Systems and Production Engineering« (ISPE), Prof. Strand is now an academic leader for informatics at the Duale Hochschule Baden-Wurttemberg (DHBW) in Karlsruhe.
Markus Wanner, TIBA: Projektmanagement für ein neues Zeitalter: Die Projektarbeit von Morgen gestalten
Developments like digitalization or the call for more agility in the face of continuously increasing complexity pose acute challenges to companies and their project work. Markus F. Wanner who has been a consultant, project manager, trainer, change companion for more than 30 years, and has been working for Tiba management consulting for 22 years, explains to us what basic conditions are required for project management 4.0 in order to be successful. Here, agility cannot be the answer to any question. Still the human being must remain in the center of attention.
Dieter Schnaubelt, Persönlichkeitswerkstatt: Fit für die Zukunft mit der richtigen Motivation
To be fit for tomorrow’s working world, the right motivation is decisive. Or is motivation actually an outdated term from the last millennium? The presentation deals with the essential questions brought up by this topic: How can entrepreneurs and managers establish long-term motivation? How can people (de)motivate one another? How contagious is self-motivation? What are the five competences for long-term employee motivation? Dieter Schnaubelt is CEO of Persönlichkeitswerkstatt and accompanies, trains, and supports his customers with his heart and soul. In his trainings and presentations he provides motivating and inspiring contents for marketing and management.
This blog post has been translated by Julian Hammer
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