Pro­ject Manage­ment Chal­lenges in the Field of Mecha­ni­cal Engineering

You are loo­king for a pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware for mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring and plant construction?
Then use our ver­sa­ti­le soft­ware PLANTA pro­ject!

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Pro­ject Manage­ment Chal­lenges in the Field of Mecha­ni­cal Engineering

You are loo­king for a pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware for mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring and plant construction?
Then use our ver­sa­ti­le soft­ware
PLANTA pro­ject!

Plant con­s­truc­tion and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring pro­jects requi­re a high degree of accu­ra­cy, cor­rect­ness, and trans­pa­ren­cy. Any error in the sub­se­quent pro­duc­tion cos­ts money and can lead to mil­li­ons in dama­ges if goods are recal­led. This also appli­es to any errors that occur during the cour­se of the pro­ject. During the pro­ject, you should the­r­e­fo­re always keep an eye on all important para­me­ters, such as dead­lines, capa­ci­ties and tole­ran­ces. PLANTA pro­ject makes this pos­si­ble and comes with fur­ther benefits.

The soft­ware offers trans­pa­rent and fast pro­ject plan­ning, which also allows for the simu­la­ti­on of sce­na­ri­os and pro­ject manage­ment in mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring and plant construction.

PLANTA pro­ject is available in a desk­top or mobi­le version.

You should make an appoint­ment right away to get to know the hel­pful func­tions of the PLANTA soft­ware suite.

Core Func­tions of Pro­ject Manage­ment Soft­ware in Mecha­ni­cal Engi­nee­ring and Plant Construction

When sel­ec­ting your pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware for plant con­s­truc­tion and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, you should make sure that it has the func­tions you need. Here are the core func­tions that are important and that your soft­ware should defi­ni­te­ly include:

  • Imple­men­ta­ti­on of the pro­ject preparation
  • Pro­ject plan­ning and sche­du­ling (incl. out­line plan­ning of orders)
  • Com­bi­na­ti­on of agi­le and tra­di­tio­nal pro­ject management
  • Pro­ject visua­liza­ti­on with Gantt charts
  • Effi­ci­ent resour­ce and capa­ci­ty management
  • Crea­ti­on, assign­ment, con­trol­ling, and manage­ment of work packages
  • Make risks, eva­lua­ti­on cri­te­ria, and pro­ject esti­ma­tes transparent
  • Bud­get manage­ment and monitoring
  • Crea­ti­on of reports and documentation
  • Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of dependencies
  • Simp­le operation
  • Tools for pro­blem and chan­ge management
  • Ear­ly war­ning system
  • Agi­le boards as col­la­bo­ra­ti­on tools for mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring teams
  • Interfaces/integrations

Detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on about the func­tions that PLANTA pro­ject and PLANTA port­fo­lio offer to make your pro­jects more effec­ti­ve and cost efficient:

Imple­men­ta­ti­on of the pro­ject preparation

To start buil­ding sys­tems or machi­nes, it is important to defi­ne objec­ti­ves and to set out a time line as well as respon­si­bi­li­ties. They must then be defi­ned for fea­si­bi­li­ty and the pro­gress should be docu­men­ted. This way, you get trans­pa­rent infor­ma­ti­on on whe­re bot­t­len­ecks ari­se, whe­ther tar­gets are being rea­li­sti­cal­ly met by tho­se invol­ved, and what has alre­a­dy been coor­di­na­ted and agreed in advan­ce. A clear docu­men­ta­ti­on of the pro­cess is cru­cial to the suc­cess of a machi­ne or system. 

Pro­ject plan­ning and sche­du­ling (incl. out­line plan­ning of orders)

In order to be able to deli­ver flaw­less plants and machi­nes to the cus­to­mer in the first place, it is recom­men­da­ble to use order plan­ning. What is to be imple­men­ted by what date, by whom, with what resour­ces and what are the avai­la­bi­li­ties and expec­ted cos­ts? In order to stay on top of things, you can crea­te date over­views for all orders and important offers across pro­jects. A traf­fic light func­tion indi­ca­tes when the­re is a date delay or cos­ts are overrun.

Pro­ject out­line plan­ning is also pos­si­ble with PLANTA’s pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware for machi­ne or plant con­s­truc­tion. It offers advan­ta­ges in order-based indi­vi­du­al and small series pro­duc­tion, as all pro­ces­ses are plan­ned and con­trol­led in the soft­ware and pro­jects have shorter through­put times. Coar­se net­work plans allow you to com­mu­ni­ca­te rea­li­stic deli­very dates while crea­ting the offer. It also allows you to crea­te coar­se capa­ci­ty plan­ning for all depart­ments concerned.

Com­bi­na­ti­on of Agi­le and Tra­di­tio­nal Pro­ject Management

Many mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring pro­jects run in a struc­tu­red man­nerand requi­re a time­ly com­ple­ti­on of the indi­vi­du­al inter­de­pen­dent pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses. A tra­di­tio­nal pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware like PLANTA pro­ject allows you to map such pro­jects and make them transparent. 

To be able to respond to chan­ges, you fur­ther­mo­re requi­re a cer­tain degree of fle­xi­bi­li­ty, espe­ci­al­ly within the team. This calls for agi­le pro­ject manage­ment

Our hybrid sys­tem which com­bi­nes PLANTA pul­se and PLANTA pro­ject , lets you mana­ge your pro­jects tra­di­tio­nal­ly while PLANTA pul­se allows you to con­trol tasks in your pro­ject teams in an agi­le man­ner. You can out­sour­ce sub­pro­jects or indi­vi­du­al tasks in the agi­le tool if you wish for more col­la­bo­ra­ti­on to be more flexible.

Enhan­ced Pro­ject Visua­liza­ti­on with Gantt Charts

The visu­al repre­sen­ta­ti­on in par­ti­cu­lar can make it easier for you to keep an eye on your pro­ject. Our soft­ware pro­vi­des Gantt charts that are sui­ta­ble for this pur­po­se. The dia­gram shows the the cour­se of the pro­ject over time in a hori­zon­tal bar chart and fur­ther­mo­re includes all important pro­ject details. Mile­sto­nes can be recor­ded in it, such as the com­ple­ti­on of the test­ing pha­se. Gantt charts fur­ther­mo­re help teams to get an over­view of the dis­tri­bu­ted tasks, respon­si­bi­li­ties, and tem­po­ral goals — from lead time sche­du­ling through to the enti­re order pro­ces­sing. The soft­ware allows to gra­phi­cal­ly map the enti­re order structure. 

Maschinenbau Terminplan. Projektmanagement-Software Maschinenbau.

Effi­ci­ent Resour­ce and Capa­ci­ty Management

Resour­ces are important resour­cesin pro­ject manage­ment and are often limi­t­ed (so-cal­led bot­t­len­eck resour­ces). This is par­ti­cu­lar­ly evi­dent among employees with a high level of exper­ti­se, such as high­ly qua­li­fied engi­neers. If the­re is alre­a­dy a major pro­ject invol­ving the employees in ques­ti­on, it may occur that requi­red resour­ces are not available and exter­nal per­son­nel have to be found. Our resour­ce plan­ning soft­ware for mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring allows you to mana­ge resour­ces and capa­ci­ties quick­ly and cle­ar­ly across depart­ments. PLANTA pro­ject also allows for the out­line capa­ci­ty plan­ning across all con­cer­ned depart­ments with PLANTA pro­ject.

Crea­ti­on, Assign­ment, Con­trol­ling, and Manage­ment of Work Packa­ges

In order for all per­sons invol­ved in the pro­ject to be able to plan effi­ci­ent­ly, it is important that tasks be defi­ned, sche­du­led, and assi­gned to someone. This includes, e.g., the orde­ring of requi­red raw mate­ri­als or tools. If the task is not com­ple­ted on time, a remin­der should be set so that no standstill or delay occurs during the project.

With PLANTA pul­se we also offer you a Kan­ban soft­ware for machi­ne con­s­truc­tion pro­jects. It sup­ports your teams in balan­cing tasks and capa­ci­ties and helps you to avo­id staff shorta­ges and overloads. 

Trans­pa­ren­cy for Risks, Eva­lua­ti­on Cri­te­ria, and Pro­ject Estimates

Pro­ject manage­ment pro­grams show the cur­rent sta­tus in the pro­ject. This means that, among other things, the cur­rent pro­gress of the pro­ject and initi­al results can be cal­led up and a fore­cast can be made based on the actu­al pro­ject data. This makes your mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring pro­ject plan­ning even more accu­ra­te, as data from the field can be used for simu­la­ti­on and esti­ma­tes based on other con­s­truc­tion pro­jects with simi­lar machi­nes, for exam­p­le, can be opti­mi­zed and corrected.

Bud­get Manage­ment and Monitoring

The deploy­ment of high qua­li­ty machi­nes or plants usual­ly requi­res a well thought-out invest­ment. For exam­p­le, it is neces­sa­ry to find the best price/performance ratio with the customer’s exis­ting bud­get. In order for the actu­al cos­ts to be in accordance with the cal­cu­la­ti­on and to enable moni­to­ring during the cour­se of the pro­ject, it is recom­men­ded to crea­te a bud­get plan.

This can be used to check whe­ther the plan­ned cos­ts are in line with the bud­get for the respec­ti­ve order. The over­view can also be used to dis­cuss whe­re the­re is need for saving. During the cour­se of the pro­ject, our soft­ware for mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring pro­jects moni­tors that the bud­get is adhe­red to. If cos­ts chan­ge signi­fi­cant­ly in the cour­se of the pro­ject, the ear­ly war­ning sys­tem sounds the alarm

Cal­cu­la­ti­ons can also be made in more depth. Be it for indi­vi­du­al machi­nes or accor­ding to func­tion groups, such as for the elec­tri­cal sys­tem. Sche­du­ling can also be car­ri­ed out, which includes an esti­ma­te of the resour­ces requi­red to cal­cu­la­te the tar­get cos­ts. The cos­ts of orde­red goods can be impor­ted from the purcha­sing system. 

The ente­red data from the cur­rent pro­ject, such as per­son­nel hours, mate­ri­al cos­ts, and exter­nal ser­vices, enable the crea­ti­on of a con­stant­ly updated target/actual com­pa­ri­son and a con­ti­nuous order calculation. 

Crea­ti­on of Reports and Documentation

Stake­hol­ders like inves­tors, com­pa­ny owners, and other per­sons expect con­ti­nuous report­ing on the con­s­truc­tion of plants and machi­nes. This means that order-rela­ted and cross-order infor­ma­ti­on and eva­lua­tions can be crea­ted in our sys­tem at the touch of a but­ton. This ensu­res that pro­ject tar­gets and mile­sto­nes are met and that the machi­ne is alre­a­dy included in the pro­duc­tion plan. 

The docu­men­ta­ti­on of pro­ject pro­gress is also indis­pensable. Pro­ject-rele­vant infor­ma­ti­on is par­ti­cu­lar­ly useful when a cus­to­mer audit is due or com­plaints are being pro­ces­sed. PLANTA pro­ject allows you to gather all data rele­vant for the pro­ject at one sin­gle place. 

Projektmanagement-Software Maschinenbau

Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of Dependencies

If dates are post­po­ned within a pro­ject for machi­ne and plant con­s­truc­tion, this has an impact on all sub­se­quent tasks. In a worst case sce­na­rio, the con­s­truc­tion may even have to be stop­ped. If the pro­ject is con­tin­ued at a later date, the requi­red resour­ces, such as a spe­cia­li­zed civil engi­neer, may no lon­ger be available. Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of depen­den­ci­es is the­r­e­fo­re con­side­red a key func­tion of our soft­ware suite. 

Simp­le Handling 

Only a simp­le hand­ling of the pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware used makes sure that pro­jects in plant con­s­truc­tion and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring can be con­trol­led suc­cessful­ly. If the menu navi­ga­ti­on is too com­pli­ca­ted, indi­vi­du­al tasks can easi­ly be over­loo­ked. The­re is also an increased risk of errors, which can have a nega­ti­ve impact on the suc­cess of the pro­ject. With a mul­ti-pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware by PLANTA, actu­al data can direct­ly be crea­ted and repor­ted in the tool. This way, all per­sons invol­ved in the pro­ject col­la­bo­ra­te based on com­mon and cur­rent data in real time.

Tools for Defect and Chan­ge Management

Ano­ther important pro­ject manage­ment fea­ture for mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring and plant con­s­truc­tion is orga­ni­zed defect and chan­ge manage­ment. If defects are iden­ti­fied during the test­ing pha­se or other pha­ses of the pro­ject, chan­ges must be made as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. If they are not reco­gni­zed, detec­ted and eli­mi­na­ted imme­dia­te­ly, fol­low-up cos­ts can ari­se in pro­duc­tion, which the manu­fac­tu­rer of the sys­tem may have to bear in full. A well-func­tio­ning report­ing chain is the­r­e­fo­re essential. 

Early War­ning System

Cos­ts get­ting out of hand jeo­par­di­ze the pro­ject objec­ti­ve. If a resour­ce is absent, an ear­ly war­ning sys­tem auto­ma­ti­cal­ly issues a mes­sa­ge. This means that ever­yo­ne invol­ved in the pro­ject rea­li­zes that they have to react in order to keep the plant and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring on sche­du­le and within budget.

Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on Tool for Mecha­ni­cal Engi­nee­ring Teams

To con­s­truct high qua­li­ty plants or machi­nes, all per­sons invol­ved in the pro­ject should have the same infor­ma­ti­on. If out­da­ted tole­rance data is available, this can lead to errors or delays, as a test series may have to be car­ri­ed out again. This way, dou­ble data manage­ment can be avo­ided. At the same time, the soft­ware should pro­vi­de tools for col­la­bo­ra­ti­on. Becau­se trans­pa­ren­cy and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on in the team are important fac­tors for success. 

PLANTA’s soft­ware for mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring pro­jects offers suf­fi­ci­ent col­la­bo­ra­ti­on tools that make working in dis­tri­bu­ted teams much easier.


To allow you to use exis­ting data, our pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware for mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring or plant con­s­truc­tion has inter­faces to dif­fe­rent sys­tems inclu­ding ERP sys­tems. This avo­ids dou­ble data manage­ment and rene­wed ent­ry, so that all per­sons invol­ved in the pro­ject work with the same up-to-date data, mista­kes due to out­da­ted data can be avo­ided and thus time can be saved.

Why Tra­di­tio­nal Pro­ject Manage­ment Is Not Always Suf­fi­ci­ent in Mecha­ni­cal Engineering

Tra­di­tio­nal pro­ject manage­ment is not always suf­fi­ci­ent for mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring pro­jects, as some pro­jects requi­re dif­fe­rent approa­ches. In tra­di­tio­nal pro­ject manage­ment, the final sta­tus is descri­bed and plan­ned at the start of the pro­ject. All qua­li­ty-rele­vant para­me­ters, cos­ts, the bene­fits of the machi­ne and the sys­tem as well as cos­ts, resour­ce plan­ning and sche­du­ling are defi­ned and form the basis of the project.

This approach is very sta­tic and not sui­ta­ble for all mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring pro­jects or plant pro­jects. Some pro­jects in mecha­ni­cal and plant engi­nee­ring requi­re fle­xi­bi­li­ty in the sel­ec­tion of pro­ject manage­ment methods, pro­ject types and working methods, as the pro­jects and pro­ject objec­ti­ves are usual­ly very dif­fe­rent. A hybrid pro­ject manage­ment solu­ti­on is the­r­e­fo­re sui­ta­ble for the­se pro­jects or sub-projects.

Our agi­le pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware for mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring com­bi­nes the advan­ta­ges of the func­tions of the PLANTA pul­se and PLANTA pro­ject solu­ti­on to enable you to respond to the­se spe­cial requi­re­ments in the best pos­si­ble way. In addi­ti­on to clas­sic pro­ject manage­ment func­tions such as mile­stone plan­ning, your team also has access to agi­le team col­la­bo­ra­ti­on via Kan­ban boards and Scrum.

How the PLANTA PM Soft­ware Opti­mi­zes Pro­ject Manage­ment in Mecha­ni­cal Engineering

Our PLANTA pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware suite revo­lu­tio­ni­zes the mar­ket sin­ce PLANTA pro­ject allows you to map your enti­re order pro­ces­sing in one sin­gle software­. From pro­ject pre­pa­ra­ti­on with tech­ni­cal cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on and preli­mi­na­ry cos­ting through to test runs, com­mis­sio­ning, and cus­to­mer accep­tance. All in soft­ware that is easy to use. You can also use it for coar­se order plan­ning, in which all pro­ces­ses are dis­play­ed. This allows you to pro­cess indi­vi­du­al and small series pro­jects quick­ly and cost-effec­tively, redu­ce through­put times and achie­ve a high level of adhe­rence to deadlines. 

In order to opti­mal­ly uti­li­ze and effi­ci­ent­ly deploy all pro­ject par­ti­ci­pan­ts, PLANTA’s mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware enables depart­ment­al sche­du­ling and capa­ci­ty uti­liza­ti­on plan­ning, which also includes hier­ar­chi­cal resour­ce plan­ning. This way, your depart­ments do not only keep pro­ject-rela­ted work and prio­ri­ties under con­trol, but can also make decis­i­ons and prio­ri­ti­ze across the board. This also enables your design, pro­duc­tion, and assem­bly depart­ments to be uti­li­zed to a hig­her and more even degree, so that the­re are no peaks that crea­te over­load or under­load for the depart­ments. Even in the case of the absence of resour­ces you can react quickly.

As the soft­ware is available as a desk­top and mobi­le ver­si­on, data can be ente­red in real time at any loca­ti­on, such as direct­ly during the test run, and made available to ever­yo­ne. Dou­ble data manage­ment is avo­ided and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on is faci­li­ta­ted by the exis­tence of up-to-date data. As you can react more quick­ly, you can even gain mar­ket advan­ta­ges in the long term. It also gives each of your stake­hol­ders cer­tain­ty about the qua­li­ty and time­line­ss of the data, which also allows for a fas­ter respon­se and eli­mi­na­tes unneces­sa­ry stress and wrong decis­i­ons based on out­da­ted data.

If data in the pro­ject devia­tes from the spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons, an ear­ly war­ning sys­tem reacts, indi­ca­ting devia­ti­ons in the traf­fic light sys­tem and signal­ing to pro­ject par­ti­ci­pan­ts during the con­s­truc­tion of machi­nes and sys­tems whe­re the qui­ckest respon­se is requi­red. A simu­la­ti­on func­tion can cal­cu­la­te expen­ses at the touch of a but­ton and shows whe­re dates would be postponed.

Fur­ther­mo­re, the report­ing sys­tem of the PLANTA soft­ware is very infor­ma­ti­ve, so that order mana­gers in sales, tech­ni­cal staff, divi­si­on mana­gers, manage­ment and also cus­to­mers have meaningful docu­ments. This saves time, as the num­ber of queries to the pro­ject mana­ger, for exam­p­le, is redu­ced and errors due to incor­rect inter­pre­ta­ti­on of the data are minimized.

The PLANTA soft­ware port­fo­lio also com­pri­ses dif­fe­rent Scrum tools for mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring which enable sprint plan­ning. The pro­ject pro­gress is tra­cked in PLANTA pro­ject. Data can thus be used to con­ti­nuous­ly impro­ve the pro­ject pro­cess, plan­ning and imple­men­ta­ti­on, which gives com­pa­nies in mecha­ni­cal and plant engi­nee­ring gre­at com­pe­ti­ti­ve advan­ta­ges, as cos­ts are redu­ced, pro­ces­ses are opti­mi­zed, and less time is required.

The PLANTA pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware plant con­s­truc­tion and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring offers the­se and other hel­pful func­tions which you requi­re from archi­tec­tu­re to imple­men­ta­ti­on up to the con­trol of the pro­ject suc­cess. All in one tool. 

Pro­jects in mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring and plant construction

In our com­pact fly­er, you will find all neces­sa­ry infor­ma­ti­on on the manage­ment of mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring and plant con­s­truc­tion projects

Advan­ta­ges of PLANTA pro­ject for Mecha­ni­cal Engi­nee­ring and Plant Construction

Pro­jects in mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring and plant con­s­truc­tion are com­plex and demand a high degree of pre­cis­i­on. This is exact­ly whe­re PLANTA pro­ject comes in, offe­ring the fol­lo­wing advantages:

Maschinenbau Grafik

You can map ever­y­thing from pro­ject pre­pa­ra­ti­on with tech­ni­cal cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on and preli­mi­na­ry cos­ting through to test runs in one soft­ware package.

Your enti­re out­line plan­ning can be map­ped here.

Indi­vi­du­al and small series pro­jects can be pro­ces­sed quick­ly and cost-effectively.

You crea­te your enti­re sche­du­le and capa­ci­ty uti­liza­ti­on plan­ning, inclu­ding hier­ar­chi­cal resour­ce plan­ning with PLANTA project.

In the event of resour­ce fail­ures, you can react quick­ly and find alternatives.

Your teams work tog­e­ther in real time through mobi­le and desk­top ver­si­ons and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on tools.

Ear­ly war­ning sys­tems with a simu­la­ti­on func­tion keep you con­stant­ly infor­med of any devia­ti­ons and their consequences.

Case stu­dies and suc­ces­ses in pro­ject manage­ment plant con­s­truc­tion and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring by PLANTA

Here are some examp­les of how com­pa­nies have opti­mi­zed their pro­ject plan­ning with the PLANTA soft­ware suite:

Uhde High Pres­su­re Tech­no­lo­gies (UHPT) was able to opti­mi­ze its sche­du­ling and resour­ce plan­ning by using our soft­ware for mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring pro­jects. UHPT is a high-tech com­pa­ny of thys­sen­krupp, which is one of the world’s lea­ding sup­pli­ers in plant engi­nee­ring. The com­pa­ny has around 170 pro­jects run­ning in par­al­lel, with an avera­ge pro­ject dura­ti­on of one to two years per pro­ject. Befo­re the soft­ware was intro­du­ced, deli­very dead­lines could often not be met and it was dif­fi­cult to plan resour­ces due to an uneven pro­ject landscape. 

Through the intro­duc­tion, pro­ject plan­ning pro­ces­ses have been stan­dar­di­zed. Plan­ning was pre­vious­ly most­ly done in Excel and MS Pro­ject. Thanks to our PLANTA soft­ware, the com­pa­ny now has increased plan­ning security/precision, can iden­ti­fy problems/delays in the order pro­ces­sing in good time, and the manu­al effort in order moni­to­ring has redu­ced signi­fi­cant­ly. Read in depth how the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the PLANTA pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware bene­fi­ted Uhde High Pres­su­re Tech­no­lo­gies. To read the prac­ti­ce report, click here.

The main depart­ments of the BMW Group “Test enti­re vehic­le“ and “Crash” mean­while use PLANTA pro­ject for all test­ing pro­ces­ses. This beg­ins with cold and heat test­ing of the vehic­le or indi­vi­du­al com­pon­ents and extends to long-term test­ing to ensu­re com­po­nent strength and the long-term relia­bi­li­ty of sys­tems and dri­ves. This allows for a stan­dar­di­zed tool to be deploy­ed and used across the respec­ti­ve are­as. This makes it easier to pro­cess data fur­ther and avo­id sources of error during data trans­fer and inter­pre­ta­ti­on. Main depart­ments can thus plan, con­trol, and invoice all vehic­le deve­lo­p­ment pro­jects in one tool. Resour­ce plan­ning was also opti­mi­zed and com­ple­te docu­men­ta­ti­on could be ensured. 

The­se are only two of many examp­les of how pro­ject work in com­pa­nies can be impro­ved using the PLANTA soft­ware suite. 

PLANTA Soft­ware in Use

Cus­to­mers tell how they bene­fit from the imple­men­ta­ti­on of PLANTA pro­ject man­an­ge­ment software

The con­nec­tion to the exten­si­ve data­ba­se envi­ron­ment per­mits end-to-end infor­ma­ti­on flow, and the auto­ma­ted effort assign­ment also pro­du­ces cost transparency.

The opti­mi­zed pro­ject pro­ces­sing allows for a more pre­cise cost con­trol and effi­ci­ent date tracking.

PLANTA pro­ject sup­ports the SOX standard.

The imple­men­ta­ti­on of the new PM sys­tem has signi­fi­cant­ly and mea­sur­a­b­ly increased adhe­rence to deli­very dates.

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    I would like to test the PLAN­TA-Soft­ware free of char­ge for 30 days (no auto­ma­tic renewal)

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    Data coll­ec­ted when you get in cont­act with us is pro­ces­sed in accordance with Art. 6 para­graph 1 sen­tence 1 (a) GDPR on the basis of your vol­un­t­a­ri­ly given con­sent. The per­so­nal data coll­ec­ted by us when you use cont­act forms shall be era­sed after your request has been trea­ted and shall not be han­ded to third parties.