Pro­ject Manage­ment Soft­ware That Pro­vi­des You With An Overview

Keep your pro­jects “in time and bud­get” with PLANTA Pro­ject

Projektmanagement-Software PLANTA project stilisiert mit Gantt-Chart, Diagrammen, Zeiterfassung, Sicherheit, Workflows

Stay on Top of Things – for the Suc­cess of Your Projects

Do you want to know the sta­tus of your pro­ject dead­lines, resour­ces and cos­ts at all times?

PLANTA Pro­ject gives you the sup­port you need: you can plan pro­jects sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly and iden­ti­fy free capa­ci­ties and poten­ti­al bot­t­len­ecks at an ear­ly stage. This allows you to remain fle­xi­ble and make infor­med decis­i­ons quick­ly — even in the event of unex­pec­ted changes.
Moni­to­ring is also easier: pro­gress and devia­ti­ons are cle­ar­ly visi­ble so that you always have an over­view of the cur­rent pro­ject sta­tus. Work in the way that suits you best — whe­ther as Soft­ware-as-a-Ser­vice (SaaS) or on Pre­mi­ses, on the web or local­ly on your device. Your pro­jects, your control.

Sche­du­ling – This Is How You Keep Your Deadlines

Pro­ject requi­re­ments are con­stant­ly chan­ging but the dead­line is not exten­ded? This is whe­re PLANTA Pro­ject comes in:

Cen­tral and clear manage­ment of all dates and milestones

Trans­pa­rent com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on in the pro­ject team and cen­tral access to all pro­ject information

Adap­ting to chan­ges in real-time

Ear­ly iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of poten­ti­al delays through war­ning systems

Sim­pli­fied resour­ce management

PLANTA project Projektvorlagen

Sche­du­ling – This Is How You Keep Your Deadlines

Pro­ject requi­re­ments are con­stant­ly chan­ging but the dead­line is not exten­ded? This is whe­re PLANTA Pro­ject comes in:

Cen­tral and clear manage­ment of all dates and milestones

Trans­pa­rent com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on in the pro­ject team and cen­tral access to all pro­ject information

Adap­ting to chan­ges in real-time

Ear­ly iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of poten­ti­al delays through war­ning systems

Sim­pli­fied resour­ce management

PLANTA project Projektvorlagen

Resour­ce Manage­ment – Well Dis­tri­bu­ted Capacities

It is impos­si­ble to pre­dict if and at what time per­son­nel will be absent. But here PLANTA pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware can help as well: 

Cen­tral and clear manage­ment of all resources

Even uti­liza­ti­on and prio­ri­tiza­ti­on of resources

Adap­ting to resour­ce chan­ges in real-time

Ear­ly iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and pre­ven­ti­on of bottlenecks

Effi­ci­ent plan­ning of depen­den­ci­es and availabilities

PLANTA project Ressourcenplanung

Resour­ce Manage­ment – Well Dis­tri­bu­ted Capacities

It is impos­si­ble to pre­dict if and at what time per­son­nel will be absent. But here PLANTA pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware can help as well: 

Cen­tral and clear over­view of all resources

Even uti­liza­ti­on and prio­ri­tiza­ti­on of resources

Adap­ting to resour­ce chan­ges in real time

Ear­ly iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and pre­ven­ti­on of bottlenecks 

Effi­ci­ent plan­ning of depen­den­ci­es and availabilities

PLANTA project Ressourcenplanung

White­pa­per Stra­te­gic Cost Planning

Get tips on how you can always keep your pro­ject bud­get under control

White­pa­per Resour­ce Management

How effi­ci­ent resour­ce manage­ment lowers your cos­ts and increa­ses profit

White­pa­per Stra­te­gic Cost Planning

Get tips on how to keep your pro­ject bud­get under control

White­pa­per Resour­ce Management

How effi­ci­ent resour­ce manage­ment can lower your cos­ts and increa­ses profit

Cost Plan­ning Under Con­trol: Trans­pa­ren­cy and Control

It should not be the norm for a pro­ject to end up con­sum­ing three times the bud­get. That’s why it’s worth inves­t­ing in software:

Cen­tral and trans­pa­rent manage­ment of all cos­ts and budgets

Plan­ning the exact cos­ts in advance

Dyna­mic adjus­t­ment through plan­ned-actu­al com­pa­ri­sons in real-time

Exploit poten­ti­al savings through con­ti­nuous bud­get monitoring

Seam­less inte­gra­ti­on of resour­ce plan­ning and scheduling

PLANTA project Ressourcen planen

Cost Plan­ning Under Con­trol: Trans­pa­ren­cy and Control

It should not be the norm for a pro­ject to end up con­sum­ing three times the bud­get. That’s why it’s worth inves­t­ing in software:

Cen­tral and trans­pa­rent manage­ment of all cos­ts and budgets

Plan­ning the exact cos­ts in advance

Dyna­mic adjus­t­ment through plan­ned-actu­al com­pa­ri­sons in real-time

Exploit poten­ti­al savings through con­ti­nuous bud­get monitoring

Seam­less inte­gra­ti­on of resour­ce plan­ning and scheduling

PLANTA project Ressourcen planen

Task Manage­ment – Always Stay on Top of Things

“I’ve alre­a­dy star­ted working on it.” – “Me too.” Avo­id red­un­dant work with relia­ble soft­ware support.

Cen­tral and clear manage­ment of all tasks

Tar­ge­ted assign­ment based on qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons and availability

Ever­y­thing in one place: descrip­ti­on, comm­ents, documents

Over­view of all chan­ges and the cur­rent status

Sort­ing by priority

Auf­ga­ben­ver­wal­tung – Immer den Über­blick behalten

„Ich habe damit schon ange­fan­gen.“ – „Ich auch.“ Ver­mei­den Sie Dop­pel­ar­beit mit zuver­läs­si­ger Softwareunterstützung.

Cen­tral and clear manage­ment of all tasks

Tar­ge­ted assign­ment based on qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons and availability

Ever­y­thing in one place: descrip­ti­on, comm­ents, documents

Over­view of all chan­ges and the cur­rent status

Sort­ing by priority

Pro­ject Con­trol­ling – Reco­gni­ze Pro­blems at an Ear­ly Stage and Act in a Tar­ge­ted Manner

PM soft­ware pro­vi­des opti­mal sup­port for your con­trol­ling, so pro­blems can be iden­ti­fied befo­re they escalate:

Cen­tral and clear manage­ment of all rele­vant key figures

Auto­ma­tic report crea­ti­on saves time and pro­vi­des you with con­sis­tent results

Ear­ly war­ning sys­tems and fore­casts enable time­ly pro­blem management

Cus­to­miza­bi­li­ty and trans­pa­ren­cy ensu­re that ever­yo­ne gets the infor­ma­ti­on they need

Les­sons lear­ned con­ti­nuous­ly impro­ve the imple­men­ta­ti­on of future projects

PLANTA project Programme Programmmanagement

Pro­ject Con­trol­ling – Reco­gni­ze Pro­blems at an Ear­ly Stage and Act in a Tar­ge­ted Manner

PM soft­ware pro­vi­des opti­mal sup­port for your con­trol­ling, so pro­blems can be iden­ti­fied befo­re they escalate:

Cen­tral and clear manage­ment of all rele­vant key figures

Auto­ma­tic report crea­ti­on saves time and pro­vi­des you with con­sis­tent results

Ear­ly war­ning sys­tems and fore­casts enable time­ly pro­blem management

Cus­to­miza­bi­li­ty and trans­pa­ren­cy ensu­re that ever­yo­ne gets the infor­ma­ti­on they need

Les­sons lear­ned con­ti­nuous­ly impro­ve the imple­men­ta­ti­on of future projects

PLANTA project Programme Programmmanagement

PLANTA Pro­ject – The solu­ti­on for your projects

Dis­co­ver easi­ly how PLANTA can faci­li­ta­te your pro­ject work. Let us pre­sent the soft­ware to you live! Get all the important infor­ma­ti­on, dis­co­ver the bene­fits for your com­pa­ny and cla­ri­fy your ques­ti­ons direct­ly with our experts.

“The imple­men­ta­ti­on of PLANTA Pro­ject allo­wed us to map all cus­to­mer, ser­vice, and rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment pro­jects. Con­ti­nuous plan­ning allows for a more detail­ed resour­ce plan­ning and respec­ti­ve prio­ri­tiza­ti­on. Adhe­rence to deli­very dates has been increased signi­fi­cant­ly and measurably.”

Den­nis Tomath, Thys­sen­krupp AG

PM methods in PLANTA Project

PLANTA Pro­ject allows you to plan your pro­jects fle­xi­bly with an agi­le, tra­di­tio­nal or hybrid approach. Choo­se your PM method accor­ding to your requirements.