20th PLANTA User Forum
20–21 June 2023 in Karls­ru­he

20th PLANTA User Forum

20–21 June 2023

New PLANTA ver­si­ons, cus­to­mer pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, net­wor­king, and exch­an­ge of experiences

20th PLANTA User Forum

20–21 June 2023

New PLANTA ver­si­ons, cus­to­mer pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, net­wor­king, and exch­an­ge of experiences

PLANTA’s 20th offers a lot of inspi­ra­ti­on for pro­ject work:

  • In their pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, cus­to­mers give tes­ti­mo­ni­als of their imple­men­ta­ti­on and ope­ra­ti­on of the PLANTA software.
  • PLANTA pres­ents the latest soft­ware ver­si­ons.
  • The par­ti­ci­pan­ts the oppor­tu­ni­ty to test the new soft­ware ver­si­ons them­sel­ves
  • In exter­nal work­shops and work­shop-like pre­sen­ta­ti­ons by PLANTA, cus­to­mers get tips & tricks for their dai­ly practice.
  • The­re are num­e­rous oppor­tu­ni­ties for net­wor­king and exchan­ging expe­ri­en­ces with other users, spea­k­ers, and PLANTA employees.


20 June 2023 at Novo­tel Hotel, Fest­platz Karlsruhe

1:00 PMCheck-in with wel­co­me aperitif 
2:00 PM -
2:30 PM
Ope­ning and welcoming
Sne­z­a­na Spa­sen­o­vic — PLANTA Germany
Busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment, new customers
Sne­z­a­na Spa­sen­o­vic, Jochen Gei­ßer — PLANTA Germany
Max Kuhn — PLANTA Switzerland
2:40 PM -
3:40 PM
Pre­sen­ta­ti­on: New fea­tures in the PLANTA software
Mar­kus Schrey­er, Jana Gan­ter — PLANTA Germany
3:50 PMMeet and greet at the demo coun­ters and cof­fee break
4:50 PM -
5:50 PM
Key­note: When Ide­as Beco­me Rea­li­ty – Pro­ject Manage­ment Methods
Prof. Dr. Sil­ke Schö­nert — RFH Köln
6:00 PMEvening pro­gram­me con­vi­vi­al evening with dinner 

21. Juni 2023 im Hotel Novotel

8:45 AMWel­co­me cof­fee at the foy­er out­side the con­fe­rence room
 Stream 1Stream 2
9:00 AM -
9:50 AM
Pre­sen­ta­ti­on with discussion:
Pro­ject Manage­ment and Data Pro­tec­tion: Tips from dai­ly prac­ti­ce with PLANTA project

Rolf Jung­nis­ch­ke — SIGNAL IDUNA Group
Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and Lea­der­ship in Agi­le-Digi­ta­le Projects

Dr. Klaus Wagen­hals — metisleadership
10:00 AM -
10:50 AM
Pre­sen­ta­ti­on with discussion:
Expe­ri­en­ces from 15 years of PMO

Dr. Gun­ter Mei­er — Hei­del­ber­ger Druck­ma­schi­nen AG
Pre­sen­ta­ti­on with live demo:
PLANTA pul­se
Marei­ke Richers — PLANTA Germany
11:00 AMNet­wor­king and exch­an­ge of infor­ma­ti­on, demo coun­ters, and pre­sen­ta­ti­on tables — cof­fee break
12:00 PM -
12:50 PM
Pre­sen­ta­ti­on with live demo:
New Fea­tures of the PLANTA Soft­ware (live)

Pre­sen­ta­ti­on with live demo:
Cus­to­mi­zing and Administration
01:00 PMLunch tog­e­ther at the hotel restaurant
02:00 PM -
02:50 PM
Pre­sen­ta­ti­on with discussion:
Imple­men­ta­ti­on of Hybrid Pro­ject Manage­ment at Losan Pharma
Kers­tin Moerel — Losan Phar­ma GmbH
Bot­t­len­eck-Ori­en­ted Port­fo­lio Manage­ment and Its Effects on Busi­ness Results
Uwe Techt — VISTEM
03:00 PM -
03:50 PM
Pre­sen­ta­ti­on with discussion:
Mul­ti-Pro­ject and Resour­ce Plan­ning in Spe­cial Machi­ne Construction
Den­nis Tomath — Thys­sen­krupp Uhde
Mul­ti-Pro­ject Exe­cu­ti­on-Manage­ment — More Pro­jects in Less Time
Uwe Techt — VISTEM
04:00 PMNet­wor­king and exch­an­ge of infor­ma­ti­on, demo coun­ters, and pre­sen­ta­ti­on tables — cof­fee break
04:30 PM -
04:50 PM
Outlook/Road Map
Sne­z­a­na Spa­sen­o­vic, Mar­kus Schrey­er — PLANTA Germany

(PLANTA reser­ves its right to chan­ge the programme)

21 June 2023 at Novo­tel Hotel

08:45 AMWel­co­me cof­fee at the foy­er out­side the con­fe­rence room
09:00 AM -
09:50 AM
Stream 1

Pre­sen­ta­ti­on with discussion:
Pro­ject Manage­ment and Data Pro­tec­tion: Tips from dai­ly prac­ti­ce with PLANTA project

Rolf Jung­nis­ch­ke — SIGNAL IDUNA Group

Stream 2

Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and Lea­der­ship in Agi­le-Digi­ta­le Projects

Dr. Klaus Wagen­hals — metisleadership

10:00 AM -
10:50 AM
Stream 1

Pre­sen­ta­ti­on with discussion:
Expe­ri­en­ces from 15 years of PMO

Dr. Gun­ter Mei­er — Hei­del­ber­ger Druck­ma­schi­nen AG

Stream 2

Pre­sen­ta­ti­on with live demo:
PLANTA pul­se
Marei­ke Richers — PLANTA Germany

11:00 AMNet­wor­king and exch­an­ge of infor­ma­ti­on, demo coun­ters, and pre­sen­ta­ti­on tables — cof­fee break
12:00 PM -
12:50 PM
Stream 1

Pre­sen­ta­ti­on with live demo:
New Fea­tures of the PLANTA Soft­ware (live)


Stream 2

Pre­sen­ta­ti­on with live demo:
Cus­to­mi­zing and Administration


01:00 PMLunch tog­e­ther at the hotel restaurant
02:00 PM -
02:50 PM
Stream 1

Pre­sen­ta­ti­on with discussion:
Imple­men­ta­ti­on of Hybrid Pro­ject Manage­ment at Losan Pharma
Kers­tin Moerel — Losan Phar­ma GmbH

Stream 2

Bot­t­len­eck-Ori­en­ted Port­fo­lio Manage­ment and Its Effects on Busi­ness Results

Uwe Techt — VISTEM

03:00 PM -
03:50 PM
Stream 1

Pre­sen­ta­ti­on with discussion:
Mul­ti-Pro­ject and Resour­ce Plan­ning in Spe­cial Machi­ne Construction
Den­nis Tomath — Thys­sen­krupp Uhde

Stream 2

Mul­ti-Pro­ject Exe­cu­ti­on-Manage­ment — More Pro­jects in Less Time

Uwe Techt — VISTEM

04:00 PMNet­wor­king and exch­an­ge of infor­ma­ti­on, demo coun­ters, and pre­sen­ta­ti­on tables — cof­fee break
04:30 PM -
04:50 PM
Outlook/Road Map
Sne­z­a­na Spa­sen­o­vic, Mar­kus Schrey­er — PLANTA Germany

(PLANTA reser­ves its right to chan­ge the programme)

Did you know? Your par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on can count as a trai­ning pro­gram for GPM/IPMA (re)certification as a pro­ject mana­ger. Upon request, we will be plea­sed to issue cer­ti­fi­ca­tes of atten­dance after the event.