Licen­se Information

Infor­ma­ti­on on the PLANTA licen­se models

You can choo­se from two available licen­se models:

  • licen­se leve­led by num­ber of refe­rence objects (num­ber of users unli­mi­t­ed) or
  • licen­se leve­led by num­ber of named users (plan­ning volu­me unlimited)

licen­se leve­led by num­ber of refe­rence objects (num­ber of users unlimited)

In this licen­se model, the pri­ces com­ply with the plan­ning volu­me, i.e.

  • PLANTA Pro­ject: num­ber of tasks (work packa­ges) of all pro­jects which are plan­ned at the same time
  • PLANTA Enter­pri­se: num­ber of tasks (work packa­ges) of all pro­jects which are plan­ned at the same time and num­ber of assign­ments of pro­jects to the portfolios

If you requi­re addi­tio­nal refe­rence objects, you can purcha­se an update to a hig­her level at any time. If a main­ten­an­ce con­tract exists, only the dif­fe­rence bet­ween the cur­rent and the new level is calculated.

In this licen­se model, the num­ber of users is unlimited.

Com­ple­ted pro­jects can be archi­ved and are thus no lon­ger a part of the plan­ning volume.

Your advan­ta­ge:

  • The soft­ware can be used for all employees in your company.
  • A fle­xi­ble increase of the plan­ning volu­me is pos­si­ble at any time.
  • Pro­ject staff from other com­pa­nies can access the pro­jects as reporters

Licen­se leve­led by num­ber of named users (plan­ning volu­me unlimited)

In this licen­se model, the pri­ces are based on the num­ber of named users, i.e. with the num­ber of sys­tem users regis­tered in the system.

If addi­tio­nal users are requi­red, you can purcha­se an update to a hig­her level at any time. If a main­ten­an­ce con­tract exists, only the dif­fe­rence bet­ween the cur­rent and the new level is calculated.

In this licen­se model, the plan­ning volu­me is unlimited.

Your advan­ta­ge:

  • This model is recom­men­ded if the­re are many plan­ning objects but only a small num­ber of users.


The pri­ces for inter­faces to Jira and MS Pro­ject and addi­tio­nal lan­guages are cal­cu­la­ted pro­por­tio­nal­ly based on the pri­ces of the licen­sed user functions.

Soft­ware maintenance

The annu­al soft­ware main­ten­an­ce, inclu­ding hot­line, is cal­cu­la­ted pro­por­tio­nal­ly based on the pri­ces of the soft­ware components.

Basic Func­tions

The basic func­tions contain:

  • Sys­tem admi­nis­tra­ti­on for data­ba­ses, calen­dars, currencies
  • User roles and rights administration
  • MS-Office inte­gra­ti­on
    • Excel
    • Power­Point
    • Out­look (e‑mails, calendar)
    • Word
  • PDF crea­ti­on
  • Docu­ment manage­ment, hyper­links for documents
  • User indi­vi­du­al modu­le settings
  • Ker­be­ros for sin­gle sign-on
  • One lan­guage (addi­tio­nal lan­guages can be licensed)


New PLANTA releases are pro­vi­ded in Ger­man, Eng­lish, French, and Por­tu­gue­se (Bra­zi­li­an).
The cus­to­mi­zing and sys­tem cus­to­mi­zing func­tions are only pro­vi­ded in Ger­man and English.
Addi­tio­nal lan­guages can be purcha­sed. Depen­ding on the customer’s requi­re­ments, it is also pos­si­ble to have the addi­tio­nal lan­guage inte­gra­ted in the stan­dard sys­tem as part of the scope of sup­p­ly of a release.

Data­ba­se Licenses

The data­ba­ses and data­ba­se licen­ses requi­red for ope­ra­ti­on are not included in the scope of supply.


Ser­vices (tech­ni­cal sup­port, con­sul­ta­ti­on, work­shops, trai­nings) are invoi­ced by hours accor­ding to performance.

Jour­neys and over­night stays are char­ged by their actual­ly occur­red num­ber sub­ject to gene­ral rates.

Tri­al operation

Inte­res­ted per­sons have the opti­on to get to know the soft­ware in the cour­se of a tri­al ope­ra­ti­on. Cont­act us.

Uni­ver­si­ty package

For uni­ver­si­ties, uni­ver­si­ties of appli­ed sci­en­ces, etc., we offer an opti­on to use the PLANTA soft­ware in class within the frame­work of a uni­ver­si­ty packa­ge. Cont­act us.