Pro­ject Port­fo­lio Management
Plan pro­jects stra­te­gi­cal­ly — iden­ti­fy risks and opportunities

Portfoliomanagement Software Symbolbild mit Daten auswerten, Umsatz steigern, Projekte analysieren

Invest in the “Right” Pro­jects with Pro­ject Port­fo­lio Manage­ment by PLANTA

The num­ber of pro­jects in com­pa­nies is con­stant­ly incre­asing, so it is not easy to deci­de which pro­jects should be prio­ri­ti­zed in the port­fo­lio. In order to opti­mal­ly achie­ve your busi­ness goals, you should quick­ly reco­gni­ze which are the “right” pro­jects to invest in. Con­sider the oppor­tu­ni­ties and risks as well as the fea­si­bi­li­ty of your ide­as, plans and pro­jects at an ear­ly stage and plan strategically.

Wit­hout a clear over­view and a sound basis for decis­i­on-making, you risk was­ting resour­ces on unpro­mi­sing pro­jects and lea­ving important poten­ti­al untap­ped. Pro­ject port­fo­lio manage­ment (PPM) helps you to pre­vent exact­ly that. With PLANTA Enter­pri­se, you can make trans­pa­rent and pro­mi­sing decis­i­ons about which pro­jects real­ly count.

The Most Important Func­tions in Pro­ject Port­fo­lio Manage­ment with the PLANTA Enter­pri­se Edition*

Pro­ject Idea and Evaluation

A multi­tu­de of pro­ject ide­as requi­res a struc­tu­red approach in order to stra­te­gi­cal­ly sel­ect the best projects.

Cen­tral coll­ec­tion and cate­go­riza­ti­on of all pro­ject ideas

Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of risks and opportunities

Stan­dar­di­zed eva­lua­ti­on accor­ding to objec­ti­ve criteria

Fore­cast on the port­fo­lio impact of dif­fe­rent projects

Project Portfolio Management by PLANTA

The Most Important Func­tions in Pro­ject Port­fo­lio Manage­ment with the PLANTA Enter­pri­se Edition*

Pro­ject Idea and Evaluation

A multi­tu­de of pro­ject ide­as requi­res a struc­tu­red approach in order to stra­te­gi­cal­ly sel­ect the best projects.

Cen­tral coll­ec­tion and cate­go­riza­ti­on of all pro­ject ideas

Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of risks and opportunities

Stan­dar­di­zed eva­lua­ti­on accor­ding to objec­ti­ve criteria

Fore­cast on the port­fo­lio impact of dif­fe­rent projects

Project ideas with the project portfolio management by PLANTA

Pro­ject Prio­ri­tiza­ti­on – Set the Right Focus

Prio­ri­tiz­ing pro­jects in the port­fo­lio is cru­cial in order to deploy resour­ces opti­mal­ly and achie­ve stra­te­gic goals.

Cle­ar­ly arran­ged repre­sen­ta­ti­on of all pro­jects in the portfolio

Auto­ma­tic weight­ing and cate­go­riza­ti­on of the projects

Veri­fi­ca­ti­on of the fea­si­bi­li­ty through port­fo­lio simulations

Fle­xi­ble adapt­a­ti­on to chan­ged con­di­ti­ons and resour­ce situations

Project portfolio management prioritization

Pro­ject Prio­ri­tiza­ti­on – Set the Right Focus

Prio­ri­tiz­ing pro­jects in the port­fo­lio is cru­cial in order to deploy resour­ces opti­mal­ly and achie­ve stra­te­gic goals.

Cle­ar­ly arran­ged repre­sen­ta­ti­on of all pro­jects in the portfolio

Auto­ma­tic weight­ing and cate­go­riza­ti­on of the projects

Veri­fi­ca­ti­on of the fea­si­bi­li­ty through port­fo­lio simulations

Fle­xi­ble adapt­a­ti­on to chan­ged con­di­ti­ons and resour­ce situations

Prioritization project portfolio management

White­pa­per Stra­te­gic Cost Planning

Get tips on how to always keep your pro­ject bud­get under control

White­pa­per Resour­ce Management

How effi­ci­ent resour­ce manage­ment lowers your cos­ts and increa­ses profit

Port­fo­lio Status

A clear over­view of the port­fo­lio sta­tus enables well-foun­ded decis­i­ons and helps to iden­ti­fy bot­t­len­ecks at an ear­ly stage.

Cen­tral pre­sen­ta­ti­on of all pro­jects, plans and ide­as in the portfolio

Auto­ma­tic gene­ra­ti­on of up-to-date sta­tus reports for con­sis­tent data and time savings

Quick pro­blem iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on for time­ly action

Pro­ject mana­ger assess­ment of cos­ts, dead­lines and risks in the portfolio

Project portfolio management project status

Port­fo­lio Status

A clear over­view of the port­fo­lio sta­tus allows you to make well-foun­ded decis­i­ons and helps to iden­ti­fy bot­t­len­ecks at an ear­ly stage.

Cen­tral pre­sen­ta­ti­on of all pro­jects, plans and ide­as in the portfolio

Auto­ma­tic gene­ra­ti­on of up-to-date sta­tus reports for con­sis­tent data and time savings

Quick pro­blem iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on for time­ly action

Pro­ject mana­ger assess­ment of cos­ts, dead­lines and risks in the portfolio

Project portfolio status

Qua­li­ty Gates – Moni­tor Progress

Qua­li­ty gates offer an effec­ti­ve way to make pro­ject imple­men­ta­ti­on more trans­pa­rent through regu­lar sec­tion checks and to moni­tor pro­ject pro­gress in a tar­ge­ted manner.

Defi­ni­ti­on of qua­li­ty gates by the port­fo­lio mana­ger for rele­vant plan­ning objects

Moni­to­ring of objec­ti­ve achie­ve­ment on the basis of the data recor­ded by the pro­ject manager

Stan­dar­di­zed spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons ensu­re uni­form eva­lua­ti­on and qua­li­ty in all projects

Ear­ly iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of devia­ti­ons or risks for sound decision-making

Quality gates webclient

Qua­li­ty Gates – Moni­tor Progress

Qua­li­ty gates offer an effec­ti­ve way to make pro­ject imple­men­ta­ti­on more trans­pa­rent through regu­lar sec­tion checks and to moni­tor pro­ject pro­gress in a tar­ge­ted manner.

Defi­ni­ti­on of qua­li­ty gates by the port­fo­lio mana­ger for rele­vant plan­ning objects

Moni­to­ring of objec­ti­ve achie­ve­ment on the basis of the data recor­ded by the pro­ject manager

Stan­dar­di­zed spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons ensu­re uni­form eva­lua­ti­on and qua­li­ty in all projects

Ear­ly iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of devia­ti­ons or risks for sound decision-making

Quality gates

PLANTA Pro­ject Enter­pri­se Edi­ti­on – The Solu­ti­on for Your Stra­te­gic Pro­ject Management

Find out how PLANTA can make your stra­te­gic pro­ject work easier. Let us pre­sent the soft­ware to you live! Get all the important infor­ma­ti­on, dis­co­ver the bene­fits for your com­pa­ny and cla­ri­fy your ques­ti­ons direct­ly with our experts.

matthias moest yamaichi

One of the grea­test impro­ve­ments is the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the PLANTA Pro­ject appr­oval pro­cess. All pro­jects are now star­ted accor­ding to the same rules, as ide­as, plans and pro­jects. This pro­cess is con­sis­t­ent­ly appli­ed and it is no lon­ger pos­si­ble to cir­cum­vent it.

Mat­thi­as Möst, Yamai­chi Electronics

*The for­mer com­po­nent PLANTA port­fo­lio has been inte­gra­ted in the PLANTA Enter­pri­se Edition