PLANTA pul­se: Func­tion Update and Enhan­ced Usability

By |2024–08-22T13:22:46+00:0031. August 2021|Cate­go­ries: Blog Soft­ware|

Crea­te Kan­ban boards more quick­ly with the help of board tem­pla­tes. The new PLANTA pul­se ver­si­on brings some func­tions to the mar­ket which impro­ve the usa­bi­li­ty of our agi­le pro­ject manage­ment software.

PLANTA Insights 2021 Intro­du­ces New Features

By |2024–08-22T13:08:15+00:0025. June 2021|Cate­go­ries: Blog Events, Blog Soft­ware|

Usa­bi­li­ty, inte­gra­ti­on in third par­ty sys­tems, data secu­ri­ty, PLANTA Online, SaaS edi­ti­ons. At PLANTA Insights on 06/16/21, PLANTA intro­du­ces its new soft­ware func­tions which were imple­men­ted sin­ce the last PLANTA User Forum in 2019.

How can I set up a tool plat­form for my pro­ject teams?

By |2024–08-22T12:56:43+00:0018. April 2021|Cate­go­ries: Blog Soft­ware|

Work safe­ly in disper­sed pro­ject teams wit­hout digi­tal bar­riers. The cur­rent cri­sis shows cle­ar­ly how pre­cious it is for a com­pa­ny to have a good digi­tal stra­tegy in order to opti­mi­ze incre­asing­ly com­plex plan­ning, decis­i­on, and infor­ma­ti­on processes.

PLANTA Sup­ports Her­mes PM Method

By |2024–08-22T12:51:57+00:0022. Febru­ary 2021|Cate­go­ries: Blog Soft­ware, PM Know­ledge|

Pro­ject suc­cess wit­hout effort: pro­jects beco­me more suc­cessful if ack­now­led­ged methods and tools are used. Many methods pro­vi­de ori­en­ta­ti­on to pre­vent typi­cal pro­blems in the plan­ning and con­trol­ling of projects.

Hybrid Pro­ject Manage­ment with Mobi­le Time Recording

By |2024–08-22T12:46:32+00:0014. Febru­ary 2021|Cate­go­ries: Blog Soft­ware|

New digi­tal time sheet for any deploy­ment loca­ti­on. In the new ver­si­on of its pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware, PLANTA com­ple­ments its pro­duct port­fo­lio with a web-based time recor­ding option.

Digi­ta­li­ze Processes

By |2024–08-22T12:26:44+00:0030. Sep­tem­ber 2020|Cate­go­ries: Blog Soft­ware, PM Know­ledge|

Digi­ta­li­ze infor­ma­ti­on and pro­ject pro­ces­ses and opti­mi­ze your pro­ject manage­ment. Major tech­no­lo­gy groups such as Goog­le, Ama­zon, Face­book, IBM, and Apple enter the phar­maceu­ti­cal and health mar­ket. This puts the phar­maceu­ti­cal sec­tor under pres­su­re for change.

Top-Ran­ked Pro­gramming Lan­guage Python

By |2024–08-22T12:16:47+00:009. June 2020|Cate­go­ries: Blog Soft­ware|

Open source pro­gramming lan­guage Python takes a lea­ding posi­ti­on among pro­gramming lan­guages due to its top ran­king in the cur­rent Stack Over­flow sur­vey, in the cour­se of which about 90.000 deve­lo­pers were surveyed.

Big Data Accor­ding to Requi­re­ment — Some­ti­mes Less is More

By |2024–08-22T12:13:01+00:006. May 2020|Cate­go­ries: Blog Soft­ware|

The hype around big data and data ana­ly­tics can have com­pa­nies belie­ve that the coll­ec­tion and ana­ly­sis of huge amounts of data will result in gre­at benefit.

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