PM Soft­ware Opti­mi­zes Date and Resour­ce Planning

Mul­ti-Pro­ject Manage­ment in Plant Construction

Uhde High Pres­su­re Tech­no­lo­gies (UHPT) is a high-tech com­pa­ny which belongs to thys­sen­krupp and ranks among the world’s lea­ding pro­vi­ders in plant con­s­truc­tion. To impro­ve its plan­ning pro­ces­ses, UHPT was loo­king for a new pro­ject manage­ment solution.

With appro­xi­m­ate­ly 300 employees, UHPT sup­pli­es inter­na­tio­nal cli­ents and mar­kets with indus­tri­al high-pres­su­re plants and machi­nes. In order to impro­ve plan­ning and con­trol­ling of pro­jects in the are­as of cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic plants, rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment as well as ser­vice pro­jects, UHPT was loo­king for a soft­ware sys­tem which pro­vi­des relia­ble sup­port for the enti­re pro­cess from plan­ning to deve­lo­p­ment, manu­fac­tu­ring, and post-deli­very ser­vice. The new soft­ware should also pro­vi­de a solu­ti­on for exis­ting pro­blems in date and resour­ce plan­ning. Having to mana­ge 170 simul­ta­neous­ly run­ning pro­jects with an avera­ge dura­ti­on of one to two years, deli­very dates could often not be met. The hete­ro­ge­neous pro­ject land­scape com­pli­ca­ted resour­ce plan­ning and a uni­form pro­ject plan­ning pro­cess was missing.

Plan­ning in Excel and MS Project

In the cour­se of an inter­nal pro­cess opti­miza­ti­on pro­ject, a com­pe­tence team was for­med with the aim to estab­lish a cen­tral date and resour­ce plan­ning. Until the right pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware was found, the new team con­sis­ting of the team lea­der (order con­trol panel) as well as three date coor­di­na­tors initi­al­ly reli­ed on an in-house solu­ti­on. During this pha­se, the team set up a sche­du­le land­scape by means of self-made MS Pro­ject sche­du­les and their own Excel tools. At the same time they were working on plan­ning pro­ces­ses and the stan­dar­diza­ti­on of sche­du­les. The high manu­al effort requi­red for data main­ten­an­ce, howe­ver, limi­t­ed effi­ci­en­cy and thus the bene­fits gai­ned from the obtai­ned results.

In coope­ra­ti­on with the digi­ta­liza­ti­on mana­ger, a digi­ta­liza­ti­on pro­ject was laun­ched at the same time. The objec­ti­ves of this pro­ject were ambi­tious and for UHPT, the imple­men­ta­ti­on of a pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware pro­mi­sed a series of improvements:

  • Increase in transparency
  • More effec­ti­ve dis­tri­bu­ti­on of resources
  • Increased plan­ning secu­ri­ty and precision
  • Ear­ly iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of pro­blems / delays in order processing
  • Reduc­tion of manu­al effort in order monitoring

Choo­sing the right Mul­ti-Pro­ject Manage­ment Software

The com­pe­tence team tri­es dif­fe­rent soft­ware pro­ducts for pro­ject manage­ment available on the mar­ket and con­sults exter­nal spe­cia­lists. In the cour­se of in-depth rese­arch, the list of about 50 pos­si­ble sup­pli­ers was nar­ro­wed down to 15 sup­pli­ers with which inter­views were con­duc­ted. Half-day work­shops were then held with six sup­pli­ers to get a clear pic­tu­re of UHPT’s requi­re­ments and the opti­ons pro­vi­ded by the respec­ti­ve soft­wares. Even­tual­ly, a PLANTA demo-sys­tem was set up and ano­ther semi­nar was orga­ni­zed. The decis­i­on for PLANTA was made in ear­ly 2020.
Accor­ding to UHPT, the new soft­ware sys­tem con­vin­ced pri­ma­ri­ly for three reasons. First­ly, PLANTA stan­dard alre­a­dy fits the requi­re­ments of com­pa­ny-inter­nal pro­ces­ses, second­ly, PLANTA faci­li­ta­tes the inte­gra­ti­on of all employees, and last but not least, the sys­tem allows for a simu­la­ti­on of pro­jects and chan­ges wit­hout having a direct impact on the pro­duc­ti­ve environment.

ll spe­ci­fic list­box values, have been made to the stan­dard soft­ware in order to meet UHPT’s requi­re­ments. Adjus­t­ments were also made to the dash­board and to the pro­ject core data. This enables the users at UHPT to hide and unhi­de fields and data are­as in the pro­ject core data and to have over­due work packets of all pro­jects dis­play­ed (or only of par­ti­cu­lar ones by fil­te­ring). In the future, UHPT want to car­ry out such adjus­t­ments them­sel­ves and the­r­e­fo­re recei­ves cus­to­mi­zing trai­nings by PLANTA.

Soft­ware Implementation

UHPT has imple­men­ted the new PM-sys­tem at its cor­po­ra­te head­quar­ters at Hagen in all depart­ments, stag­ge­red by pro­duct groups. Sin­ce April 2021, the soft­ware is used in the fol­lo­wing busi­ness divisions:

  • Plan­ning of cli­ent pro­jects, ser­vice pro­jects, and F&E‑projects.
  • Con­s­truc­tion, dis­po­si­ti­on, work pre­pa­ra­ti­on (departments/teams with com­pre­hen­si­ve and con­ti­nuous plan­ning in PLANTA incl. resour­ce plan­ning for all employees)
  • Purcha­se, sup­pli­er manage­ment, qua­li­ty assu­rance, dis­patch (depart­ments with par­ti­al plan­ning in PLANTA, no resour­ce planning)
  • An out­line plan­ning on cost cen­ter level is car­ri­ed out for manu­fac­tu­ring in order to be able to deri­ve a coar­se resour­ce plan­ning and to moni­tor the work load. In-depth plan­ning of manu­fac­tu­ring is not car­ri­ed out with PLANTA but with SAP in com­bi­na­ti­on with an MES tool (manu­fac­tu­ring exe­cu­ti­ve sys­tem) based on the date-ori­en­ted pro­ject plan­ning car­ri­ed out in PLANTA.

Curr­ent­ly, a total of 145 users work with the new PM sys­tem: five pro­ject mana­gers, four mul­ti-pro­ject mana­gers / date coor­di­na­tors, 20 team lea­ders, 60 repor­ters, 20 employees in manage­ment & sales.

Bes­i­des the core pro­duct PLANTA pro­ject, which is used for mul­ti-pro­ject manage­ment, UHPT also has imple­men­ted a com­po­nent for cus­to­mi­zing and inter­faces and has put the sys­tem into ope­ra­ti­on in two lan­guages, Ger­man and Eng­lish (for cli­ent reports). The enti­re search for and imple­men­ta­ti­on of the new tool took 20 months. From the time of pro­blem defi­ni­ti­on it took about 12 months until the decis­i­on for PLANTA was made.

PLANTA’s soft­ware has ever sin­ce repla­ced all MS-Pro­ject sche­du­les and Excel tools. The lin­kage of all pro­jects in mul­ti-pro­ject manage­ment allows for bet­ter plan­ning qua­li­ty and signi­fi­cant­ly opti­mi­zes the effort requi­red for pro­ject monitoring.

Inter­faces, Inte­gra­ti­ons, and Adjustments

Inter­faces to the SAP sys­tem have been rea­li­zed in the cour­se of soft­ware imple­men­ta­ti­on in order to be able to, e.g., exch­an­ge rele­vant pro­ject data like dates and tasks. In the future, HR data will fur­ther­mo­re be trans­fe­red to the SAP system.

Seve­ral adjus­t­ments, like the imple­men­ta­ti­on of new views or fil­ters which respond to or fill spe­ci­fic list­box values, have been made to the stan­dard soft­ware in order to meet UHPT’s requi­re­ments. Adjus­t­ments were also made to the dash­board and to the pro­ject core data. This enables the users at UHPT to hide and unhi­de fields and data are­as in the pro­ject core data and to have over­due work packets of all pro­jects dis­play­ed (or only of par­ti­cu­lar ones by fil­te­ring). In the future, UHPT want to car­ry out such adjus­t­ments them­sel­ves and the­r­e­fo­re recei­ves cus­to­mi­zing trai­nings by PLANTA.


Den­nis Tomath, head of pro­ject and resour­ce manage­ment at UHPT draws a posi­ti­ve con­clu­si­on: „The new PM soft­ware allows us to map all cus­to­mer, ser­vice, and &E‑projects. Con­ti­nuous plan­ning allows for a more detail­ed resour­ce plan­ning and respec­ti­ve prio­ri­tiza­ti­on. Adhe­rence to deli­very dates has been increased signi­fi­cant­ly and mea­sur­a­b­ly due to the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the new PM sys­tem.