Phar­ma com­pa­ny stan­dar­di­zes processes

Healt­hy Pro­ject Management

To keep an over­view of dates, resour­ces, and cos­ts, Her­mes Arz­nei­mit­tel imple­men­ted a pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware (PM). The medi­um-sized com­pa­ny deve­lo­ps phar­maceu­ti­cals for both its own brands and lar­ge phar­maceu­ti­cal groups. In the imple­men­ta­ti­on, the focus was on the opti­miza­ti­on of admi­nis­tra­ti­on and the con­trol of mul­ti­ple pro­jects which use the same resour­ces. The struc­tu­ring pro­ce­du­re was to be stan­dar­di­zed by the soft­ware-assis­ted tra­cing of pro­ject pha­ses and mile­sto­nes. This was expec­ted to gene­ra­te a more com-pre­hen­si­ve gene­ral over­view as well as an opti­on to make decis­i­ons on the prio­ri­tiza­ti­on of pro­jects more quick­ly. The stan­dar­diza­ti­on of pro­ces­ses also play­ed a decisi­ve role in the decis­i­on for a software.

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Using PLANTA sin­ce 2014

Clear Role Definition

A more pre­cise plan­ning, con­side­ra­ti­on of under­load and over­load, fore­cast and ana­ly­sis, were just as much a part of the objec­ti­ve defi­ni­ti­on for the new soft­ware as the exact accoun­ting of hours to pro­jects. Fur­ther requi­re­ments were the eva­lua­ti­on of acti­vi­ties, a clear role defi­ni­ti­on, a report­ing opti­on for dif­fe­rent tar­get groups, as well as sup­port in resour­ce planning.

The pro­ject was laun­ched in May 2012. After 16 months, in fall 2013, the decis­i­on to imple­ment PLANTA PROJECT was made. Up to the go-live in August 2014, the steps of first time instal­la­ti­on, trai­ning of the core team, ela­bo­ra­ti­on of a respec­ti­ve func­tion­al con­cept, test pha­se, and user trai­ning were car­ri­ed out. The defi­ni­ti­on of are­as of respon­si­bi­li­ty could be iden­ti­fied as an important pre­req-uisi­te for effi­ci­ent pro­ject manage­ment. The core team has adjus­ted the roles pre­de­fi­ned in the soft­ware accor­ding to the spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments of the company.

The pro­ces­ses for the pro­ce­du­re of gene­ral pro­jects was defi­ned: on one hand the pro­cess for basic load pro­jects and on the other hand the enti­re pro­cess of a cus­to­mer pro­ject — from the recep­ti­on of the customer’s query via the crea­ti­on of the pro­ject as a simu­la­ti­on pro­ject with stan­dard tem­p­la­te up to the appr­oval by the per­son respon­si­ble and the sub­se­quent acti­va­ti­on of the enti­re pro­ject as a deve­lo­p­ment project.

The sys­tem admi­nis­tra­tor was pro­vi­ded with the same screen as the line mana­gers of the depart-ments in order to be able to bet­ter assist them if they have any ques­ti­ons. To straigh­ten out coor­di­na­ti­on pro­ces­ses in the case of addi­tio­nal, unplan­ned effort, the resour­ce mana­gers were given the same rights as the mul­ti-pro­ject mana­gers, so that con­sul­ta­ti­on with the pro­ject mana­ger respon­si­ble would only beco­me neces­sa­ry if a par­ti­cu­lar amount of addi­tio­nal effort occur­red for an employee.

Pri­va­cy was taken into account

The workers’ coun­cil was infor­med on the topic of time recor­ding in good time. Pri­va­cy­was taken into account as well: Per­so­nal data is only visi­ble to the two sys­tem admi­nis­tra­tors and the PLANTA con­sul­tant. The retro­s­pec­ti­ve at the end of the tests lead to an esti­ma­te on which objec­ti­ves could be attai­ned through the soft­ware imple­men­ta­ti­on, on whe­ther all per­sons invol­ved were con­side­red suf­fi­ci­ent­ly in the new pro­ces­ses, and on what impro­ve­ments were yet to be made.

After the imple­men­ta­ti­on pha­se, a test­ing envi­ron­ment was instal­led in par­al­lel with the live sys­tem to enable adjus­t­ments to be made direct­ly at the site. A modu­le for inno­va­ti­on manage­ment was estab­lished to faci­li­ta­te the tra­cing of pro­ject ide­as by means of own sche­du­les with sub­se­quent adop­ti­on to the deve­lo­p­ment pro­ject manage­ment. Dr. Tors­ten Eckardt, Head Healt­ca­re Appli­ca­ti­on Ser­vices & Pack­a­ging Deve­lo­p­ment at the phar­ma com­pa­ny, descri­bes the bene­fits of the imple­men­ta­ti­on: “The new soft­ware helps us to bet­ter admi­nis­tra­te and prio­ri­ti­ze deve­lo­p­ment pro­jects in a soft­ware-aided man­ner. The detail­ed pro­ject plan­ning and the trans­pa­ren­cy in the enti­re deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess have been impro­ved, the over­view of our available resour­ces has been faci­li­ta­ted. We are now able to deve­lop new pro­ducts fas­ter and with grea­ter cost efficiency.”