A Thousand Pro­jects — One Software

The Blum com­pa­ny from Vor­arl­berg spe­cia­li­zes in the manu­fac­tu­re and sale of fur­ni­tu­re fit­tings. The main pro­duct groups are flap, hin­ge, pull-out and pocket sys­tems. For mana­ging and plan­ning their pro­jects in the are­as of pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment, IT, mar­ke­ting and pro­duc­tion tech­no­lo­gy, Blum reli­es on PLANTA software.

In 2024, the soft­ware sys­tem was updated to the latest PLANTA ver­si­on using a com­pre­hen­si­ve green­field approach. PLANTA pro­ject was seam­less­ly inte­gra­ted with the SAP pro­ject sys­tem (SAP PS) back in 2017 and remains a cen­tral ele­ment of the soft­ware plat­form. It ensu­res that the enti­re pro­ject plan­ning and resour­ce manage­ment in the com­pa­ny is opti­mal­ly sup­port­ed. This invol­ves almost 1000 pro­jects with an avera­ge dura­ti­on of 2.5 years.

Appli­ca­ti­on Area of the Software

The diver­se are­as of appli­ca­ti­on of the soft­ware include pro­ject and resour­ce manage­ment in rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment, in pro­duct and plant engi­nee­ring as well as the manage­ment of pro­duct and invest­ment pro­jects and sup­port for pro­duc­tion engi­nee­ring. The com­pa­ny also uses the pro­ject manage­ment sys­tem to plan IT and mar­ke­ting pro­jects as well as depart­ment­al plan­ning (basic loads in coll­ec­ti­ve pro­jects). The Blum Group employs 9300 peo­p­le world­wi­de, 6600 of them in Vor­arl­berg Around 500 employees work with the PLANTA pro­ject system.

Objec­ti­ves of Using the PLANTA Software

Blum intro­du­ced the PLANTA soft­ware to achie­ve stra­te­gic goals in com­pa­ny-wide pro­ject management:

  • Uni­form and con­sis­tent pro­ject plan­ning and monitoring
  • Impro­ved resour­ce plan­ning through pre­cise con­trol and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of capacities
  • Inte­gra­ti­on of pro­ject manage­ment tools with the SAP pro­ject system
  • Increased trans­pa­ren­cy and con­trol over all ongo­ing projects
  • Com­pre­hen­si­ve report­ing and ana­ly­sis of pro­ject pro­gress to sup­port management

Imple­men­ted PLANTA pro­ducts and customizations

In addi­ti­on to the core pro­duct for plan­ning and con­trol­ling pro­jects, PLANTA pro­ject, PLANTA link is also used for inter­face inte­gra­ti­on via web ser­vices with SAP PS. The sys­tem enables cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic adapt­a­ti­ons to com­pa­ny pro­ces­ses. In the cour­se of the intro­duc­tion of the com­pon­ents, the Aus­tri­ans crea­ted a series of cus­to­miza­ti­ons, such as adapt­a­ti­ons for inter­faces, dis­play of dif­fe­rent depart­ment views and dyna­mic grou­pings, in order to adapt the stan­dard soft­ware to their own spe­ci­fic requirements.

Inte­gra­ti­on mit SAP und abge­stimm­ter Workflow

The inte­gra­ti­on of PLANTA pro­ject and SAP PS enables the com­pa­ny to plan pro­ject data cen­tral­ly in the soft­ware and then refi­ne it fur­ther in SAP. The data is trans­fer­red in real time via spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped inter­faces, inclu­ding Python inte­gra­ti­on, and made available for various appli­ca­ti­ons. Plan­ned and actu­al data from SAP is dis­play­ed at resour­ce level in PLANTA pro­ject. This com­ple­te data inte­gra­ti­on ensu­res smooth syn­chro­niza­ti­on bet­ween the sys­tems and leads to a coor­di­na­ted work­flow. Ever­yo­ne invol­ved has access to up-to-date and pre­cise infor­ma­ti­on at all times.

Use cases and deve­lo­p­ment over the years

Sin­ce the intro­duc­tion of the first soft­ware ver­si­on in 1996, its use has deve­lo­ped con­ti­nuous­ly. PLANTA pro­ject was suc­cessful­ly used in mul­ti-pro­ject manage­ment back in 2002 to stan­dar­di­ze plant and pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment. With the cur­rent update to the latest release, Blum has once again focu­sed more on the stan­dard of the soft­ware. Retur­ning to the stan­dard brought a num­ber of advantages:

  • Impro­ved per­for­mance: Blum has remo­ved the adapt­a­ti­ons that are no lon­ger requi­red, ther­eby signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ving the sys­tem speed and respon­se time.
  • Faci­li­ta­ted main­ten­an­ce: Stan­dar­di­zed sys­tems are easier to main­tain, as fewer spe­cial adapt­a­ti­ons must be taken into account. Updates, bug fixes, etc. can now be imple­men­ted more quickly.
  • Cost effi­ci­en­cy: Cos­ts (resour­ces, capa­ci­ties, etc.) are signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ced sin­ce fewer indi­vi­du­al adjus­t­ments are required.
  • Sta­bi­li­ty and relia­bi­li­ty: Remo­ving red­un­dant modu­les and data that could poten­ti­al­ly lead to insta­bi­li­ty crea­tes a more relia­ble system.
  • Easier trai­ning and docu­men­ta­ti­on: More pro­xi­mi­ty to the stan­dard makes it easier for all users to use the online help.

Mul­ti-Pro­ject Manage­ment with a Lar­ge Num­ber of Projects

The Vor­arl­berg-based fami­ly busi­ness curr­ent­ly plans and mana­ges a lar­ge num­ber of dif­fe­rent pro­jects in their various depart­ments, amoun­ting to around 1000 pro­jects com­pa­ny-wide. The­re are many inter­de­pen­den­ci­es bet­ween the pro­jects that must be visua­li­zed by the soft­ware and mana­ged as effi­ci­ent­ly as pos­si­ble. The pro­ject manage­ment sys­tem is an inva­luable aid when it comes to relia­bly cal­cu­la­ting the impact on pro­ject dead­lines alo­ne. On avera­ge, 27 acti­vi­ties are sche­du­led per pro­ject with 70 resour­ce assign­ments and 15 rela­ti­onships, i.e. depen­den­ci­es on other acti­vi­ties. The avera­ge pro­ject run­time is 2.5 years. Effi­ci­en­cy in mana­ging the­se depen­den­ci­es is not only noti­ceable in terms of adhe­rence to dead­lines, but also when it comes to adhe­ring to the cos­ts of plan­ned projects.

Trans­pa­ren­cy and Flexibility

The intro­duc­tion and ongo­ing fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of the soft­ware has led to an impro­ve­ment in pro­ject manage­ment for the user. The sca­lable pro­ject sys­tem can be adapt­ed to the size and com­ple­xi­ty of a wide ran­ge of pro­jects and is the­r­e­fo­re sui­ta­ble for both small and lar­ge pro­jects. Thanks to detail­ed resour­ce plan­ning in mul­ti-pro­ject manage­ment, seam­less inte­gra­ti­on with SAP PS and increased trans­pa­ren­cy across all pro­jects, Blum has not only gai­ned effi­ci­en­cy, but also mana­ged to opti­mi­ze their pro­ject manage­ment processes.
In view of the future, the com­pa­ny is alre­a­dy eva­lua­ting the use of addi­tio­nal modu­les to take stra­te­gic port­fo­lio plan­ning to a new level. This deve­lo­p­ment makes it clear that well-inte­gra­ted and fle­xi­bly adapt­ed pro­ject manage­ment soft­ware can make a major con­tri­bu­ti­on to the suc­cessful manage­ment of pro­jects — regard­less of their size or complexity.

Plan­ned Load Per Resour­ce per Month

Using PLANTA sin­ce 2002