Stu­dent Assistant (m/f/x) –
in the Area of Web Development

Are you keen to work in an inno­va­ti­ve soft­ware com­pa­ny? Do you want to take your care­er to the next level at the IT loca­ti­on of Karlsruhe?

Erfolgreich im Beruf, Mann im Anzug fliegt mit Düsenrucksack

As a sup­port for our team of web deve­lo­pers we are curr­ent­ly loo­king for a stu­dent assistant.

PLANTA fre­quent­ly recei­ves top ratings in soft­ware comparisons.
We curr­ent­ly take a lea­ding rank in an assess­ment by with 92% in ran­ge of func­tions and 92% in soft­ware quality.
With your help we want to keep wal­king in this direc­tion and even get further.

What you should bring in

  • uni­ver­si­ty stu­dies with technical/scientific orientation
  • prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence in EDV environments
  • good com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on skills, fluen­cy in Ger­man and very good com­mand of English
  • quick lear­ning apti­tu­de and comprehension
  • 12–20 hours per week
  • ambi­ti­on, crea­ti­vi­ty, and motivation
  • high qua­li­ty standard
  • a com­mit­ted, ana­ly­ti­cal, team-ori­en­ted, and self-reli­ant way of thin­king and working

As a part of our team you will

  • con­cep­tua­li­ze, pro­gram, and main­tain modern web­ap­pli­ka­tio­nen on the basis of Node.js
  • assist in the deve­lo­p­ment and ope­ra­ti­on of an SaaS platform
  • employ cur­rent web tech­no­lo­gies like, e.g.,
    • HTML 5, CSS 3 (Stylus), Java­Script (ES2015)
    • web­so­ckets
    • react-based com­pon­ents
    • NoS­QL databases
    • Docker
    • Git
  • in an agi­le test-dri­ven deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess with con­ti­nous delivery

We offer

  • par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the deve­lo­p­ment of an inte­res­t­ing and inno­va­ti­ve software
  • a chan­ce to grow within a dyna­mic company
  • fle­xi­ble working times
  • flat hier­ar­chies and short decis­i­on paths
  • a gre­at working atmo­sphe­re with strong team spirit
  • the oppor­tu­ni­ty work in a young and dedi­ca­ted team
  • a plea­sant working atmo­sphe­re in a plea­sing envi­ron­ment in Karlsruhe


Our com­pa­ny culture

Employee satis­fac­tion is para­mount. The­r­e­fo­re PLANTA offers

  • com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty of job and family
  • a high per­cen­ta­ge of fema­le employees
  • fle­xi­ble time manage­ment, home office as required
  • PLANTA sup­ports the Fair Com­pa­ny initia­ti­ve by
  • app­ren­ti­ce­ships with the pro­s­pect of being hired

PLANTA is a value-ori­en­ted com­pa­ny. The fol­lo­wing values are the­r­e­fo­re of pivo­tal importance for us both in per­so­nal rela­ti­onships as well as towards our customers:

  • rea­di­ness to help
  • solu­ti­on orientation
  • lear­ning employees
  • hones­ty
  • self-initia­ti­ve
  • straight­for­ward­ness
  • com­mit­ment

Tips for your application

We would love to get a com­pre­hen­si­ve pic­tu­re of you and your abili­ties. This requi­res the appli­ca­ti­on forms to be complete.

We will only con­sider elec­tro­nic appli­ca­ti­ons. Plea­se send your appli­ca­ti­on to us sum­ma­ri­zed in one sin­gle pdf file. Plea­se direct your appli­ca­ti­on to Mrs. Hülya Aydin: