PLANTA pro­ject
Mul­ti-Pro­ject Manage­ment Tool

Suc­cessful Initia­ti­on, Plan­ning, and Imple­men­ta­ti­on of Projects

Projektmanagement-Software PLANTA project stilisiert mit Gantt-Chart, Diagrammen, Zeiterfassung, Sicherheit, Workflows

Always Stay on Top of Things With PLANTA pro­ject

You want to keep a per­fect over­view of dates, resour­ces, and cos­ts of your pro­jects at any time?
You want to get the most out of your pro­ject teams and want the pro­ject pro­gress to be visi­ble at any time?

PLANTA pro­ject lets you plan and con­trol your pro­jects sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly from pro­ject appli­ca­ti­on through to the archi­ved pro­ject. You can imme­dia­te­ly iden­ti­fy free capa­ci­ties in the uti­liza­ti­on of your resour­ces, allo­wing you to take quick decis­i­ons regar­ding new pro­jects. In the case of chan­ges and ari­sing bot­t­len­ecks, you can quick­ly take counter-measures.

Thanks to ela­bo­ra­ted con­trol­ling opti­ons, you are always up to date on the cur­rent pro­ject sta­tus and pos­si­ble deviations.

Deci­de for yours­elf how you want to keep your data: on-pre­mi­ses or as an SaaS/cloud solution. 

pro­ject can also be used as a Web Cli­ent in addi­ti­on to the local cli­ent. PLANTA soft­ware thus remains available via desk­top but you can also use it on your tablet or note­book via browser.

White­pa­per Hybrid Pro­ject Management

How can we skillful­ly use tra­di­tio­nal and agi­le methods for our projects?

White­pa­per Resour­ce Management

How effi­ci­ent resour­ce manage­ment lowers cos­ts and increa­ses your profits

White­pa­per Hybrid Pro­ject Management

How can We skillful­ly use tra­di­tio­nal and agi­le methods for our projects?

White­pa­per Resour­ce Management

How effi­ci­ent resour­ce manage­ment lowers cos­ts and increa­ses your profits


Plan pro­jects and pro­ject appli­ca­ti­ons sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly and estab­lish your own pro­ject stan­dard in the company

Indi­vi­du­al pro­ject manage­ment with pro­ject tem­pla­tes, cus­to­mizable pro­cess model, com­pa­ny-spe­ci­fic work­flows pro­vi­de your pro­jects with the requi­red struc­tu­re. Task manage­ment, pro­cess plan­ning, sche­du­ling help to orga­ni­ze your plan­ning. Cost plan­ning, risk manage­ment, finan­cial key figu­res help to deci­de for a project. 

Via inte­gra­ti­on with Out­look calen­dar, pro­ject and task dates can be expor­ted from PLANTA pro­ject and direct­ly impor­ted in the Out­look calen­dar. Inte­gra­ti­on takes place via the uni­ver­sal inter­face PLANTA link. 

PLANTA project Projektvorlagen


Ope­ra­ti­ve resour­ce manage­ment allows you to imme­dia­te­ly iden­ti­fy free capa­ci­ties and bottlenecks.

Resour­ce plan­ning wit­hout over­load: plan the uti­liza­ti­on of your resour­ces (per­son­nel, machi­nes, faci­li­ties) trans­par­ent­ly across all pro­jects. Thanks to skill manage­ment you can make per­fect use of your employees’ competences. 

Iden­ti­fy bot­t­len­ecks in good time, use resour­ce simu­la­ti­on and get sup­port from chan­ge management.

Powerful capa­ci­ty plan­ning helps you to prio­ri­ti­ze and gives you an over­view of the dead­lines, cos­ts and qua­li­ty of your projects.

PLANTA project Ressourcenplanung


Always up-to-date pro­ject data for pro­ject con­trol­ling and management

Iden­ti­fy the pro­ject pro­gress and devia­ti­ons in your pro­ject plan­ning also in mul­ti-pro­ject manage­ment. This gives you an over­view of all com­pa­ny resour­ces and the cost manage­ment at all levels of the pro­ject struc­tu­re

The PLANTA sys­tem allows you to build your own mul­ti-pro­ject infor­ma­ti­on sys­tem. The exten­si­ve pro­ject con­trol­ling pro­vi­des meaningful reports at the push of a but­ton as well as sta­tus reports and trend ana­ly­ses based on the inte­gra­ted time recor­ding. Fore­casts of remai­ning expen­ses and target/actual com­pa­ri­sons are also possible. 

You can moni­tor your pro­jects more relia­bly and the inte­gra­ted risk manage­ment and con­flict manage­ment help you to keep an eye on pro­ject risks, allo­wing you to respond quick­ly to deviations. 

PLANTA project Projektcontrolling


Plan pro­jects and pro­ject appli­ca­ti­ons sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly and estab­lish your own pro­ject stan­dard in the company

Indi­vi­du­al pro­ject manage­ment with pro­ject tem­pla­tes, cus­to­mizable pro­cess model, com­pa­ny-spe­ci­fic work­flows pro­vi­de your pro­jects with the requi­red struc­tu­re. Task manage­ment, pro­cess plan­ning, sche­du­ling help to orga­ni­ze your plan­ning. Cost plan­ning, risk manage­ment, finan­cial key figu­res help to deci­de for a project. 

Via inte­gra­ti­on with Out­look calen­dar, pro­ject and task dates can be expor­ted from PLANTA pro­ject and direct­ly impor­ted in the Out­look calen­dar. Inte­gra­ti­on takes place via the uni­ver­sal inter­face PLANTA link. 

PLANTA project Projektvorlagen


Ope­ra­ti­ve resour­ce manage­ment allows you to imme­dia­te­ly iden­ti­fy free capa­ci­ties and bottlenecks.

Resour­ce plan­ning wit­hout over­load: plan the uti­liza­ti­on of your resour­ces (per­son­nel, machi­nes, faci­li­ties) trans­par­ent­ly across all pro­jects. Thanks to skill manage­ment you can make per­fect use of your employees’ competences. 

Iden­ti­fy bot­t­len­ecks in good time, use resour­ce simu­la­ti­on and get sup­port from chan­ge management.

Powerful capa­ci­ty plan­ning helps you to prio­ri­ti­ze and gives you an over­view of the dead­lines, cos­ts and qua­li­ty of your projects.

PLANTA project Ressourcenplanung


Always up-to-date pro­ject data for pro­ject con­trol­ling and management

Iden­ti­fy the pro­ject pro­gress and devia­ti­ons in your pro­ject plan­ning also in mul­ti-pro­ject manage­ment. This gives you an over­view of all com­pa­ny resour­ces and the cost manage­ment at all levels of the pro­ject struc­tu­re

The PLANTA sys­tem allows you to build your own mul­ti-pro­ject infor­ma­ti­on sys­tem. The exten­si­ve pro­ject con­trol­ling pro­vi­des meaningful reports at the push of a but­ton as well as sta­tus reports and trend ana­ly­ses based on the inte­gra­ted time recor­ding. Fore­casts of remai­ning expen­ses and target/actual com­pa­ri­sons are also possible. 

You can moni­tor your pro­jects more relia­bly and the inte­gra­ted risk manage­ment and con­flict manage­ment help you to keep an eye on pro­ject risks, allo­wing you to respond quick­ly to deviations. 

PLANTA project Projektcontrolling

Use PLANTA pul­se & PLANTA pro­ject as hybridsys­tem and enjoy the advan­ta­ges from both PM worlds

PLANTA pro­ject for tra­di­tio­nal pro­ject methods

Pro­ject plan­ning with mile­sto­nes, pro­ject bud­gets, and risks

PLANTA pul­se for agi­le team col­la­bo­ra­ti­on via Kan­ban boards and Scrum

Enhan­ced com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and coor­di­na­ti­on pro­ces­ses in disper­sed pro­ject teams

Afforda­ble pri­ces: you can get star­ted for just €12 per user/month and use all pro­ject manage­ment func­tions and basic func­tions for agi­le pro­ject manage­ment. Try the hybrid edi­ti­on that suits you for free.

PLANTA pro­ject in use at thyssenkrupp

Den­nis Tomath, head of pro­ject and resour­ce manage­ment at Uhde High Pres­su­re Tech­no­lo­gies — a high-tech­no­lo­gy by thyssenkrupp:
The imple­men­ta­ti­on of PLANTA pro­ject allo­wed us to map all cus­to­mer, ser­vice, and R&D pro­jects. Inte­gra­ted plan­ning enables detail­ed resour­ce plan­ning and cor­re­spon­ding prio­ri­tiza­ti­on. On-time deli­very has impro­ved signi­fi­cant­ly and mea­sur­a­b­ly thanks to the intro­duc­tion of new pro­ces­ses and the new pro­ject manage­ment sys­tem.

PLANTA pro­ject is used across all eco­no­mic sec­tors by more than 600 cus­to­mers (> 60.000 users): pro­ject-dri­ven com­pa­nies from medi­um-sized busi­nesses to inter­na­tio­nal cor­po­ra­ti­ons opti­mi­ze their pro­ject plan­ning with the PLANTA soft­ware suite.

thyssenkrupp logo planta project im einsatz bei thyssenkrupp

Pro­ject Manage­ment Pro­cess in Sin­gle and Mul­ti-Pro­ject Management

The pro­ject manage­ment pro­cess includes the plan­ning, con­trol­ling, and ana­ly­ses / con­clu­si­on pha­ses of the pro­jects. Adjus­ta­ble tem­pla­tes for pro­cess models, e.g. in accordance with DIN, allow you to set up yur indi­vi­du­al com­pa­ny work­flow as a pro­ject stan­dard using PLANTA pro­ject. A defi­ned pro­ject pro­cess with stan­dards for sche­du­les and resour­ce plans means grea­ter trans­pa­ren­cy and effi­ci­en­cy in the plan­ning and manage­ment of com­pa­ny pro­jects. Resour­ces can be deploy­ed opti­mal­ly and the pro­jects in the pro­ject port­fo­lio can be bet­ter con­trol­led in terms of dead­lines, cos­ts and quality.

Pro­ject Planning

Pro­ject Management

Pro­ject Analysis/Conclusion

Pro­ject Planning

Pro­ject plan­ning is the decisi­ve pha­se in pro­ject manage­ment. In clas­sic pro­ject manage­ment in par­ti­cu­lar, details are plan­ned here in order to defi­ne the pro­ject frame­work for dead­lines, resour­ces and cos­ts. With the mul­ti-pro­ject over­view, the inter­ac­tion of the pro­jects can be ana­ly­zed in order to iden­ti­fy cross-pro­ject resour­ce con­flicts and initia­te sui­ta­ble mea­su­res for optimization.

Plan and Prio­ri­ti­ze­Pro­ject Appli­ca­ti­ons Systematically

Pro­ject tem­pla­tes and com­pa­ny spe­ci­fic work­flows faci­li­ta­te the plan­ning of pro­jects. Each pro­ject idea in the com­pa­ny is crea­ted in line with a clear pro­ject stan­dard. The resour­ce request pro­cess faci­li­ta­tes out­line plan­ning with gene­ric resour­ces like teams or depart­ments. PLANTA pro­ject cle­ar­ly shows the resour­ce uti­liza­ti­on across all pro­jects, pro­po­sals, and pro­ject ide­as in the Sche­du­le.

PLANTA project Ressourcen planen

Clear Bud­get and Cost Planning

The spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on of effort and cost bud­gets sets the frame­work for a suc­cessful pro­ject. Pro­ject risks and oppor­tu­ni­ties in mul­ti-pro­ject and indi­vi­du­al pro­ject manage­ment can be dis­play­ed with pro­ba­bi­li­ty of occur­rence and expec­ted ext­ent of dama­ge and help you to deci­de for a pro­ject idea. Pro­ject cos­ts can be trans­fer­red from exter­nal sys­tems such as SAP via an interface.

Bund­le Pro­jects to Programs

Bund­ling pro­jects to pro­grams helps to main­tain an over­view of mile­sto­nes and cos­ts of pro­jects that belong together.

Bud­get, cos­ts, and effort of the pro­gram or of the assi­gned pro­jects can be dis­play­ed as sum­ma­ri­zed total values or per year­ly tranche.

PLANTA project Programme Programmmanagement

Pro­ject Planning

Pro­ject plan­ning is the decisi­ve pha­se in pro­ject manage­ment. In clas­sic pro­ject manage­ment in par­ti­cu­lar, details are plan­ned here in order to defi­ne the pro­ject frame­work for dead­lines, resour­ces and cos­ts. With the mul­ti-pro­ject over­view, the inter­ac­tion of the pro­jects can be ana­ly­zed in order to iden­ti­fy cross-pro­ject resour­ce con­flicts and initia­te sui­ta­ble mea­su­res for optimization.

Plan and Prio­ri­ti­ze­Pro­ject Appli­ca­ti­ons Systematically

Pro­ject tem­pla­tes and com­pa­ny spe­ci­fic work­flows faci­li­ta­te the plan­ning of pro­jects. Each pro­ject idea in the com­pa­ny is crea­ted in line with a clear pro­ject stan­dard. The resour­ce request pro­cess faci­li­ta­tes out­line plan­ning with gene­ric resour­ces like teams or depart­ments. PLANTA pro­ject cle­ar­ly shows the resour­ce uti­liza­ti­on across all pro­jects, pro­po­sals, and pro­ject ide­as in the Sche­du­le.

PLANTA project Ressourcen planen

Clear Bud­get and Cost Planning

The spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on of effort and cost bud­gets sets the frame­work for a suc­cessful pro­ject. Pro­ject risks and oppor­tu­ni­ties in mul­ti-pro­ject and indi­vi­du­al pro­ject manage­ment can be dis­play­ed with pro­ba­bi­li­ty of occur­rence and expec­ted ext­ent of dama­ge and help you to deci­de for a pro­ject idea. Pro­ject cos­ts can be trans­fer­red from exter­nal sys­tems such as SAP via an interface.

Bund­le Pro­jects to Programs

Bund­ling pro­jects to pro­grams helps to main­tain an over­view of mile­sto­nes and cos­ts of pro­jects that belong together.

Bud­get, cos­ts, and effort of the pro­gram or of the assi­gned pro­jects can be dis­play­ed as sum­ma­ri­zed total values or per year­ly tranche.

PLANTA project Programme Programmmanagement

Pro­ject Management

The manage­ment of a pro­ject includes the regu­lar deter­mi­na­ti­on of actu­al data and the eva­lua­ti­on of pro­ject pro­gress via pre­vious­ly defi­ned mile­sto­nes as well as the inves­ti­ga­ti­on of devia­ti­ons from the plan and the initia­ti­on of appro­pria­te countermeasures.

Pro­ject Structure

A pro­ject is divi­ded into plan­nable parts such as sub­tasks or work packa­ges and is usual­ly recor­ded in a hier­ar­chi­cal­ly struc­tu­red sche­du­le using the clas­sic plan­ning method. Mile­sto­nes and gates divi­de the sche­du­le into key stages and make it pos­si­ble to con­trol the mile­sto­nes. Appr­ovals can also be con­trol­led via the pro­ject work­flow. The inte­gra­ted pro­ject time recor­ding pro­vi­des the actu­al data for pro­ject con­trol and the com­pa­ri­son of the plan­ning data with the pro­ject pro­gress achieved.

Pro­ject Communication

The Dash­board modu­le is the noti­fi­ca­ti­on cen­ter for cur­rent infor­ma­ti­on on the pro­ject. Various mile­stone sta­tu­s­es, the cur­rent sta­tus of the pro­ject as well as bud­get and cost devia­ti­ons and fore­casts by pro­ject team mem­bers for addi­tio­nal work etc. are displayed.

Uti­liza­ti­on Diagrams

Uti­liza­ti­on dia­grams cle­ar­ly show the uti­liza­ti­on of the resour­ces inclu­ding vaca­ti­on and absence of the employees of the depart­ment. In the event of over­load or free capa­ci­ty, mea­su­res can be taken quick­ly to opti­mi­ze the use of resources.

Pro­ject Management

The manage­ment of a pro­ject includes the regu­lar deter­mi­na­ti­on of actu­al data and the eva­lua­ti­on of pro­ject pro­gress via pre­vious­ly defi­ned mile­sto­nes as well as the inves­ti­ga­ti­on of devia­ti­ons from the plan and the initia­ti­on of appro­pria­te countermeasures.

Pro­ject Structure

A pro­ject is divi­ded into plan­nable parts such as sub­tasks or work packa­ges and is usual­ly recor­ded in a hier­ar­chi­cal­ly struc­tu­red sche­du­le using the clas­sic plan­ning method. Mile­sto­nes and gates divi­de the sche­du­le into key stages and make it pos­si­ble to con­trol the mile­sto­nes. Appr­ovals can also be con­trol­led via the pro­ject work­flow. The inte­gra­ted pro­ject time recor­ding pro­vi­des the actu­al data for pro­ject con­trol and the com­pa­ri­son of the plan­ning data with the pro­ject pro­gress achieved.

Pro­ject Communication

The Dash­board modu­le is the noti­fi­ca­ti­on cen­ter for cur­rent infor­ma­ti­on on the pro­ject. Various mile­stone sta­tu­s­es, the cur­rent sta­tus of the pro­ject as well as bud­get and cost devia­ti­ons and fore­casts by pro­ject team mem­bers for addi­tio­nal work etc. are displayed.

Uti­liza­ti­on Diagrams

Uti­liza­ti­on dia­grams cle­ar­ly show the uti­liza­ti­on of the resour­ces inclu­ding vaca­ti­on and absence of the employees of the depart­ment. In the event of over­load or free capa­ci­ty, mea­su­res can be taken quick­ly to opti­mi­ze the use of resources.

Pro­ject Ana­ly­sis and Conclusion

Kee­ping an eye on the pro­gress of a pro­ject and the devia­ti­ons bet­ween tar­get and actu­al values is cru­cial to its suc­cess. Even in the PLANTA pro­ject stan­dard sys­tem the­re is a varie­ty of pre­de­fi­ned cross-pro­ject reports, such as pro­ject sta­tus reports with pro­ject pro­gres­si­on histo­ry as well as reports on cri­ti­cal pro­ject situa­tions like date delay, mile­stone delay, or bud­get over­run. By means of the PLANTA cus­to­mi­zer com­po­nent, indi­vi­du­al reports can be crea­ted and expor­ted to Excel.

Pro­ject Pro­gress Overview

Meaningful reports such as sta­tus reports and trend ana­ly­ses can be crea­ted at the touch of a but­ton based on the inte­gra­ted time recor­ding. In the info board, the sum­ma­ri­zed infor­ma­ti­on on indi­vi­du­al pro­jects is visua­li­zed in a cle­ar­ly orga­ni­zed man­ner: cos­ts, effort, risks, and oppor­tu­ni­ties as well as ear­ned value and mile­stone trend data.

PLANTA project Projektstatus

Detail­ed Cost and Bud­get Overviews

Bud­gets, cos­ts, and reve­nues can be grou­ped accor­ding to various para­me­ters (e.g. pro­ject code, pro­ject mana­ger, cus­to­mer) and cle­ar­ly dis­play the cur­rent and ori­gi­nal­ly plan­ned status.

Pro­ject Ana­ly­sis and Conclusion

Kee­ping an eye on the pro­gress of a pro­ject and the devia­ti­ons bet­ween tar­get and actu­al values is cru­cial to its suc­cess. Even in the PLANTA pro­ject stan­dard sys­tem the­re is a varie­ty of pre­de­fi­ned cross-pro­ject reports, such as pro­ject sta­tus reports with pro­ject pro­gres­si­on histo­ry as well as reports on cri­ti­cal pro­ject situa­tions like date delay, mile­stone delay, or bud­get over­run. By means of the PLANTA cus­to­mi­zer com­po­nent, indi­vi­du­al reports can be crea­ted and expor­ted to Excel.

Pro­ject Pro­gress Overview

Meaningful reports such as sta­tus reports and trend ana­ly­ses can be crea­ted at the touch of a but­ton based on the inte­gra­ted time recor­ding. In the info board, the sum­ma­ri­zed infor­ma­ti­on on indi­vi­du­al pro­jects is visua­li­zed in a cle­ar­ly orga­ni­zed man­ner: cos­ts, effort, risks, and oppor­tu­ni­ties as well as ear­ned value and mile­stone trend data.

PLANTA project Projektstatus

Detail­ed Cost and Bud­get Overviews

Bud­gets, cos­ts, and reve­nues can be grou­ped accor­ding to various para­me­ters (e.g. pro­ject code, pro­ject mana­ger, cus­to­mer) and cle­ar­ly dis­play the cur­rent and ori­gi­nal­ly plan­ned status.