for fle­xi­ble customization

Sim­ply inte­gra­te the PM Suite and adapt it to your com­pa­ny processes

PLANTA Add-Ons: stay fle­xi­ble and main­tain invest­ment secu­ri­ty at the same time

The PLANTA PM Suite enables you to build an inte­gra­ted pro­ject infor­ma­ti­on sys­tem which is per­fect­ly adapt­ed to your com­pa­ny pro­ces­ses. Despi­te its high per­for­mance the solu­ti­on remains cle­ar­ly arran­ged for all per­sons who work with it.

  • Adap­ta­bi­li­ty of the sys­tem for roles and rights, work­flows, forms, and reports
  • Con­fi­gura­ble interfaces
  • Inte­gra­ti­on into your PM environment

  • Data kee­ping on-pre­mi­ses or via SaaS/Cloud and fle­xi­ble plan­ning meh­tod tra­di­tio­nal, agi­le, or hybrid


PLANTA Jira link


PLANTA cus­to­mi­zer

PLANTA secu­re

PLANTA Jira link

Link ano­ther agi­le sys­tem to PLANTA pro­ject in addi­ti­on to PLANTA pul­se

Due to its smooth com­bi­na­ti­on of tra­di­tio­nal and agi­le pro­ject methods, the use of agi­le sys­tems in the cour­se of a hybrid solu­ti­on pro­vi­des new opti­ons which are hea­vi­ly deman­ded in times of digi­ta­liza­ti­on and new work. PLANTA pul­se and PLANTA pro­ject com­bi­ne agi­le and tra­di­tio­nal func­tion­a­li­ty in one inte­gra­ted hybrid sys­tem. Some fields of appli­ca­ti­on call for a link to other agi­le sys­tems, like e.g. Jira. For such fields of appli­ca­ti­on, PLANTA has desi­gned the new Jira interface.

Jira inte­gra­ti­on, which is based on web inter­faces (PLANTA link), enables you, among other things, to syn­chro­ni­ze the pro­jects and tasks plan­ned in PLANTA pro­ject with Jira. Con­ver­se­ly, hours repor­ted in Jira can also be syn­chro­ni­zed with PLANTA pro­ject

Here, Jira epi­cs are syn­chro­ni­zed with PLANTA and recor­ded hours from Jira are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly trans­fer­red to PLANTA pro­ject via webhooks.

Your bene­fits

  • PLANTA Jira link allows you to use hybrid plan­ning models.
  • With Jira, pro­ject teams can admi­nis­ter their tasks fle­xi­bly and plan their pro­jects agilely.
  • PLANTA pro­ject pro­vi­des the manage­ment with a basis for detail­ed plan­ning of pro­jects and for moni­to­ring bud­get, resour­ce uti­liza­ti­on, and pro­ject pro­gress as well as for report­ing the pro­jects plan­ned with Jira.


Estab­lish an opti­mal con­nec­tion to MS Project

PLANTA Pro­ject is a high per­for­mance data­ba­se-ori­en­ted pro­ject manage­ment sys­tem. Howe­ver, it can also be used in com­bi­na­ti­on with MS Pro­ject, e.g. for con­trac­tors, sup­pli­ers, or in other depart­ments: With PLANTA MSP link, both sys­tems can be integrated.

Your bene­fits

  • You can use dif­fe­rent pro­ject manage­ment sys­tems in an inte­gra­ted mul­ti-pro­ject envi­ron­ment: the PM soft­ware you alre­a­dy use and MS Pro­ject in addition
  • Allows your pro­ject mana­gers to keep using the tool they are fami­li­ar with
  • Pro­ject infor­ma­ti­on can easi­ly be con­so­li­da­ted via dif­fe­rent plat­forms and sta­tus reports “at the push of a button”

PLANTA cus­to­mi­zer

Fle­xi­ble Adjus­t­ment in Line with Your Requirements

With the PLANTA cus­to­mi­zer you can quick­ly and fle­xi­bly make adjus­t­ments to the PLANTA soft­ware in line with com­pa­ny spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments and pro­ces­ses — also by the cus­to­mer him/herself. This ensu­res that cus­to­mer spe­ci­fic adjus­t­ments are main­tai­ned when updating to later soft­ware releases.

Modu­le Customizing

Modu­le cus­to­mi­zing means the crea­ti­on of new pro­ces­sing and ana­ly­sis modu­les or the modi­fi­ca­ti­on of exis­ting ones.

  • Edit lay­out, data fields, and data areas
  • Crea­ti­on of new modules
  • Num­e­rous design elements
  • Can be car­ri­ed out by PLANTA or by the user

Sys­tem Customizing

Sys­tem cus­to­mi­zing allows sys­tem-wide chan­ges to be made in PPMS with regard to logic, data model, and user inter­face. Usual­ly, PLANTA or a sys­tem expert at the customer’s site will car­ry out the sys­tem customizing.

  • Adjus­t­ment of the data model by editing the Data Dic­tion­a­ry (defi­ne text type and text for­mat, mark as OLE objects, defi­ne visua­liza­ti­ons in sca­les, etc.)
  • ID adjus­t­ment
  • Object pro­tec­tion (infor­ma­ti­on on crea­ti­on and last chan­ges made to records)

Python inte­gra­ti­on

In order to increase the adap­ta­bi­li­ty of the soft­ware and ren­der it even more fle­xi­ble, PLANTA has inte­gra­ted open source pro­gramming lan­guage Python in the PLANTA customizer.

Reasons for PLANTA to deci­de for Python:

  • intui­ti­ve lan­guage which can be lear­ned easily
  • clear and well-rea­da­ble syntax
  • par­ti­cu­lar­ly com­pre­hen­si­ve stan­dard libra­ry included in the delivery

PLANTA secu­re

For a maxi­mum of security

Your bene­fits of PLANTA secu­re

  • User com­fort
  • Inte­grable in exis­ting secu­ri­ty concepts
  • Two-fac­tor authentication
    PLANTA has always pro­vi­ded a high level of secu­ri­ty for cus­to­mer data with its PLANTA Pro­ject on-pre­mi­se solu­ti­on.. Cus­to­mers with high data pro­tec­tion requi­re­ments also ask for addi­tio­nal secu­ri­ty stan­dards — fin­ding the ans­wer in PLANTA secu­re.

PLANTA secu­re illus­tra­tes the cur­rent secu­ri­ty stan­dard: the two-fac­tor authen­ti­ca­ti­on (2FA), which is recom­men­ded by the Ger­man Fede­ral Office for Infor­ma­ti­on Security.

2FA is an iden­ti­ty pro­of that has to be pro­vi­ded by the user of a sys­tem in order to be able to start the sys­tem. The user iden­ti­fies hims­elf with a com­bi­na­ti­on of two inde­pen­dent fac­tors — some­thing he/she owns and some­thing he/she knows. You will know this prin­ci­ple from ATMs: if you want to with­draw money, you will need to have a bank card and the cor­re­spon­ding PIN.

App­ly­ing this approach to soft­ware use, ins­tead of PIN and bank card, a pass­word and a hard­ware part such as a token or a chip card will be used in order to log onto the system.

PLANTA secu­re can be included in exis­ting secu­ri­ty con­cepts. This means that cus­to­mers can con­ti­nue to use the authen­ti­ca­ti­on method, which is alre­a­dy being used in their com­pa­ny. A token-less authen­ti­ca­ti­on using a pass­code sent via SMS onto the user’s mobi­le pho­ne is also possible.

Rever­se Pro­xy: Safe Con­nec­tion and Access Protection

As an addi­tio­nal secu­ri­ty ele­ment, PLANTA has imple­men­ted a rever­se pro­xy con­nec­tion. Exter­nal as well as inter­nal requests are hand­led by the rever­se pro­xy, which will for­ward them to the appli­ca­ti­on ser­ver within the inter­nal net­work. As the­re is only a con­nec­tion bet­ween the reques­t­ing sys­tem and the pro­xy, the inter­nal net­work need not to be known. The rever­se pro­xy con­nec­tion pro­vi­des a very secu­re con­nec­tion via SSL cer­ti­fi­ca­te from the cli­ent through the fire­wall to the ser­ver and pre­vents acces­ses to the ser­ver from the outside.

Sin­gle Sign-on

The user authen­ti­ca­ti­on can be car­ri­ed out for seve­ral ser­vers via rever­se pro­xy. Thanks to sin­gle sign-on, the user only needs to log-on once in order to use the ser­vices of seve­ral servers.