
Fle­xi­ble data sto­rage in the licen­se model and in inte­gra­ti­on with exter­nal systems

Cus­to­mi­ze PLANTA Pro­ject Accor­ding to Your Requirements


Inter­faces and inte­gra­ti­ons for a con­sis­tent pro­ject landscape


Soft­ware adapt­a­ti­ons to indi­vi­du­al requirements

SaaS vs. On-Premises

Data sto­rage on your own ser­vers or sim­ply in the cloud


PLANTA allows you to fle­xi­bly and relia­bly con­fi­gu­re inter­faces for import­ing and export­ing data to other sys­tems. This enables indi­vi­du­al solu­ti­ons for the spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments of each customer.

Stan­dard inter­faces are available for lin­king to Jira and Micro­soft Pro­ject. In the fol­lo­wing over­view, you will find all the inte­gra­ti­ons that you can con­fi­gu­re with the PLANTA uni­ver­sal inter­face. The fol­lo­wing export for­mats are available: .txt, .csv, .mpx, .xml, .html, Ado­be Acrobat.

Your advan­ta­ge

PLANTA pro­vi­des sup­port for dif­fe­rent inter­face tech­no­lo­gies such as web ser­vices and SAP-RFC calls.

Inter­faces can be para­me­ter­i­zed and auto­ma­ted, allo­wing for a quick adapt­a­ti­on to com­pa­ny processes.

Pre­de­fi­ned inter­face tem­pla­tes make it easier to use.

planta linterfaces

Inter­face to Jira

The use of agi­le sys­tems as part of a hybrid solu­ti­on offers new pos­si­bi­li­ties through the seam­less com­bi­na­ti­on of clas­sic and agi­le pro­ject methods, which are in high demand in times of digi­ta­liza­ti­on and New Work. PLANTA Pro­ject com­bi­nes agi­le and tra­di­tio­nal func­tion­a­li­ties in an inte­gra­ted hybrid sys­tem. In some are­as of appli­ca­ti­on, the con­nec­tion to addi­tio­nal agi­le sys­tems such as Jira is requi­red. For this pur­po­se, PLANTA has desi­gned the inter­face to Jira.

The web inter­face-based inte­gra­ti­on with Jira allows you, among other things, to syn­chro­ni­ze pro­jects and pro­ces­ses plan­ned in PLANTA Pro­ject with Jira and, con­ver­se­ly, to syn­chro­ni­ze hours recor­ded in Jira with PLANTA Project.

Jira epi­cs are syn­chro­ni­zed with PLANTA and recor­ded hours work­ed from Jira are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly trans­mit­ted to PLANTA Pro­ject via webhooks.

Your advan­ta­ge

PLANTA Jira link enables hybrid plan­ning models

Pro­ject teams can mana­ge their tasks fle­xi­bly with Jira and plan pro­jects in an agi­le way

The basis for detail­ed pro­ject plan­ning and moni­to­ring of bud­get, resour­ce uti­liza­ti­on and pro­ject pro­gress as well as report­ing on pro­jects plan­ned with Jira.

Inter­face to Micro­soft Project

PLANTA Pro­ject is a powerful data­ba­se-based pro­ject manage­ment sys­tem. Howe­ver, it can also be used in com­bi­na­ti­on with MS Pro­ject, e.g. with con­trac­tors, sup­pli­ers or in other depart­ments: this inter­face allows for the inte­gra­ti­on of both systems.

Your advan­ta­ge

Dif­fe­rent pro­ject manage­ment sys­tems can be used in an inte­gra­ted mul­ti-pro­ject envi­ron­ment: PLANTA Pro­ject and MS Project

Your pro­ject mana­gers can con­ti­nue to use the tool they are fami­li­ar with

Pro­ject infor­ma­ti­on can be easi­ly con­so­li­da­ted across dif­fe­rent plat­forms and sta­tus reports “at the touch of a button”


Cus­to­mi­ze roles and rights, work­flows, forms and reports as requi­red. You have the opti­on of making the­se adjus­t­ments yours­elf or having a PLANTA employee do it for you.

Modu­le Customizing

Modu­le cus­to­mi­zing allows the user to crea­te new pro­ces­sing and eva­lua­ti­on modu­les or modi­fy exis­ting ones.

  • Cus­to­mi­ze the user menu accor­ding to user roles
  • Edit lay­out, data fields and data areas
  • Con­fi­gu­ring masks and reports
  • Crea­ting new modules
  • Crea­ting macros
  • Num­e­rous design elements
  • Cus­to­mi­zing in a gra­phi­cal deve­lo­p­ment envi­ron­ment, the­r­e­fo­re no pro­gramming know­ledge required
    Can be car­ri­ed out by PLANTA or by the user


Sys­tem cus­to­mi­zing allows sys­tem-wide chan­ges to be made to the PLANTA soft­ware in terms of logic, data model and user inter­face. As a rule, PLANTA or a sys­tem spe­cia­list car­ri­es out sys­tem cus­to­mi­zing at the customer’s premises.

  • Cus­to­mi­ze the user inter­face (colors, menu items, icons, num­ber for­mats, etc.)
  • Cus­to­mi­ze the data model by editing the data dic­tion­a­ry (deter­mi­ne text type and text for­mat, mark as OLE object, defi­ne repre­sen­ta­ti­on in sca­les, etc.).
  • Ente­ring check and cal­cu­la­ti­on for­mu­las for data fields
  • Adjust IDs
  • Object pro­tec­tion (infor­ma­ti­on on crea­ti­on and last modi­fi­ca­ti­on of records)

Python Inte­gra­ti­on

PLANTA has inte­gra­ted the open source pro­gramming lan­guage Python for cus­to­mi­zing to make the soft­ware even easier to adapt and even more flexible.

Reasons why PLANTA has deci­ded to use Python:

  • simp­le and intui­ti­ve lan­guage to learn
  • clear and easy to read syntax
  • sup­pli­ed stan­dard libra­ry is par­ti­cu­lar­ly extensive

SaaS vs. On-Premises

Your choice: do you want to keep your sys­tem on your own ser­vers (on-pre­mi­ses) or do you want to use PLANTA’s cloud solu­ti­on (SaaS). Both opti­ons have advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges, which we will be hap­py to explain to you in more detail.

On-Pre­mi­ses – Data Sto­rage on Your Own Servers

You can run PLANTA Pro­ject on your own ser­vers at your own pre­mi­ses. For com­pa­nies in high­ly regu­la­ted indus­tries with par­ti­cu­lar­ly high data pro­tec­tion requi­re­ments, on-pre­mi­ses ope­ra­ti­on is a good solu­ti­on. A major advan­ta­ge of this data sto­rage method as an alter­na­ti­ve to SaaS is the increased level of data secu­ri­ty. Becau­se if you store the data local­ly behind your own fire­wall, you have full con­trol over it and its secu­ri­ty. This means that your sen­si­ti­ve data does not have to lea­ve your company.

Your data stays with you

Advan­ta­ge when purcha­sing a licen­se: Inex­pen­si­ve licen­se models are available

You deci­de yours­elf when to update

When purcha­sing PLANTA soft­ware, you can choo­se bet­ween dif­fe­rent licen­se models.

PLANTA Pro­ject is available as a 3‑tier / cli­ent-ser­ver sys­tem or web-based. With its pro­cess-based approach, the cli­ent-ser­ver archi­tec­tu­re of the on-pre­mi­ses soft­ware offers par­ti­cu­lar­ly high sta­bi­li­ty and less com­pe­ti­ti­on for resources.

Soft­ware as a Ser­vice (SaaS) – Safe Data Sto­rage in the Cloud

PLANTA pro­vi­des its soft­ware as Soft­ware as a Ser­vice (SaaS) model via the inter­net, the cloud. No instal­la­ti­on is requi­red, you save time and resour­ces as we host and admi­nis­ter your system.

Save time and resour­ces: you can get star­ted quick­ly, are more fle­xi­ble and have no main­ten­an­ce costs

Sca­ling is easier and cheaper

Cert­fied com­pu­ting cen­ters and hig­hest data pro­tec­tion standards

Secu­re Archi­tec­tu­re and SaaS Data Operation

The PLANTA SaaS plat­form is con­ti­nuous­ly moder­ni­zed in terms of archi­tec­tu­re and ope­ra­ti­on. This appli­es to the authen­ti­ca­ti­on mecha­nisms as well as the ope­ra­ting sys­tems and data­ba­ses used. Pro­ces­ses such as moni­to­ring, log ana­ly­sis and thread detec­tion are also con­stant­ly kept up to date so that thre­ats and mali­cious acti­vi­ties are detec­ted in good time.

Data Sto­rage

Data back­up is one of the most important aspects and is car­ri­ed out using point-in-time reco­very and addi­tio­nal regu­lar snapshots of all data. Live data and back­ups are also stored using the most secu­re data encryp­ti­on methods, such as the prin­ci­ple of encryp­ti­on at rest. Data at rest is also encrypt­ed. Back­ups are stored off-site at mul­ti­ple loca­ti­ons and can also be trans­fer­red to the cus­to­mer via a VPN if required.


Yes, all data is stored in encrypt­ed form at all times (encryp­ti­on at rest). PLANTA gua­ran­tees the hig­hest data pro­tec­tion stan­dards and uses cer­ti­fied ser­vers and data encryp­ti­on as well as the hig­hest SSL stan­dards. For com­pa­nies with par­ti­cu­lar­ly high data pro­tec­tion requi­re­ments, data sto­rage on their own pre­mi­ses (on-pre­mi­ses) may be an option.

All data in the data­ba­se is regu­lar­ly backed up using a snapshot pro­ce­du­re. Inde­pendent­ly of this, a point-in-time reco­very of the data­ba­se is pos­si­ble. The default reten­ti­on poli­cy for this is seve­ral days.

In addi­ti­on to the pro­ce­du­res men­tio­ned, data­ba­se exports are crea­ted regu­lar­ly. Data can be res­to­red retroac­tively for up to 10 years. The com­ple­te data back­up, i.e. all back­ups and the point-in-time reco­very, is stored in seve­ral phy­si­cal­ly sepa­ra­te data cen­ters. All the pro­ce­du­res descri­bed are car­ri­ed out for all envi­ron­ments (deve­lo­p­ment, test, production).

PLANTA pro­vi­des the secu­re infra­struc­tu­re and soft­ware. Howe­ver, data owner­ship always remains with the user.

Not neces­s­a­ri­ly, as you can also con­nect to the ser­vices pro­vi­ded by PLANTA via VPN and thus via a par­ti­cu­lar­ly secu­re connection.

  • Pass­word
  • Ope­nID Connect
  • SAML

This enables the con­nec­tion of an exis­ting authen­ti­ca­ti­on mecha­nism. Sin­gle sign-on is pos­si­ble as well.

The avai­la­bi­li­ty spe­ci­fied in the stan­dard con­tract is at least 98%. The actu­al avai­la­bi­li­ty is signi­fi­cant­ly higher.

The data we hold will be dele­ted and can be pro­vi­ded in a stan­dar­di­zed for­mat on request (e.g. XML, data­ba­se export).

Yes, the Stan­dard Con­trac­tu­al Clau­ses (SCCs) adopted by the Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on in June 2021 are included. When using the Soft­ware as a ser­vice (SaaS) method, no cus­to­mer data is trans­fer­red to a third coun­try out­side the EEA. The ser­vice stores and pro­ces­ses all data exclu­si­ve­ly within the EEA. The data cen­ter is loca­ted in Frank­furt am Main (Ger­ma­ny).

Yes, of cour­se we pro­vi­de the TOMS. In addi­ti­on you can view various cer­ti­fi­ca­tes: SOC 1, 2, 3; ISO/IEC 27001:2013, ISO/IEC 27017:2015, ISO/IEC 27018:2019.