Modern Task Manage­ment with PLANTA pul­se: Fle­xi­ble, Intui­ti­ve, Fast

Whe­ther at the office, at the customer’s site, or in home office, all team mem­bers are up-to-date with regard to tasks at hand and changes.

  • Com­pli­ant with GDPR and safe
  • Fle­xi­bly exten­si­ble, SaaS or on-pre­mi­ses data maintenance
  • As an inte­gra­ted hybrid sys­tem: All KPIs for the manage­ment board 
planta pulse kanban board
  • Impro­ve com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on in the team?
    No pro­blem: pool pro­ject know-how, mana­ge infor­ma­ti­on direct­ly on the task ins­tead of gene­ra­ting long e‑mail chains

  • Mana­ge huge projects?
    No pro­blem: struc­tu­re boards and com­pi­le pro­ject teams with dif­fe­rent authorizations

  • Pro­ject teams want to plan in an agi­le way, manage­ment requi­res sche­du­les, KPIs, and bud­get management?
    No pro­blem: the inte­gra­ted hybrid sys­tem allows for the estab­lish­ment of com­pa­ny-wide pro­ject manage­ment processes

Advan­ta­ges of Agi­le Task Management

Quick access thanks to intui­ti­ve Kan­ban boards

  • Crea­te tasks quickly
  • Invi­te fel­low team mem­bers 
  • Also invi­te exter­nal pro­ject team members

Easy com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on even in disper­sed teams

  • All infor­ma­ti­on, file attach­ments, and check­lists can be loo­ked at direct­ly on the task
  • Keep track of chan­ges to the board with the help of the acti­vi­ty bar or via in-app or e‑mail notification

Struc­tu­ra­bi­li­ty and safety

  • All boards are grou­ped by projects
  • Quick access to fre­quent­ly edi­ted boards (favo­ri­tes / recent­ly viewed)
  • Noti­fi­ca­ti­ons on chan­ges made sin­ce your last board visit
  • Pro­ject spe­ci­fic rights management

Get star­ted right away with PLANTA pul­se BASE or PREMIUM

Try our pro­duct for 30 days wit­hout any com­mit­ment, and wit­hout auto­ma­tic renewal

from 0 €

free for up to 5 users

Start with PLANTA pul­se for free

Free for up to 5 users
For 6 users or more: €6,99 per month/user*
Basic web services
File attach­ments up to 100 MB per user
Sup­port via Wiki + e‑mail
from 9 €

per month/user*

Full access to PLANTA pul­se

All func­tions for agi­le work
Basic web services
File attach­ments up to 500 MB per user
Sup­port also via phone
Sin­gle Sign-On (SAML)
Aut­ho­riza­ti­on con­trol on team level

*Pri­ce per user is redu­ced with incre­asing num­ber of users (sca­led price).

Func­tions of the PLANTA pul­se Editions

Agi­le methods, collaboration
Kan­ban, calen­dar, list views
Unli­mi­t­ed num­ber of boards
Out­look and Goog­le Calen­dar integration
Fil­ter and search functions
Free­ly defi­nable labels, user-defi­ned fields
Acti­vi­ty track­ing, noti­fi­ca­ti­on function
Chat con­nec­ti­vi­ty
Check­lists, attach­ments, note function
Inte­gra­ted time recording
Basic web services
Admin panel  
Pro­ject spe­ci­fic rights manage­ment, pro­ject groups  
Free­ly con­fi­gura­ble web ser­vices (REST-API)  
Sin­gle sign-on, SAML  
Time and cost management    
Bud­get management    
Sche­du­les, Gantt diagrams    
Mile­stone tracking    
Report­ing of pro­ject sta­tus, pro­gress, devia­ti­on, trend analysis    
Work­flows, adjustable    
Mul­ti-pro­ject infor­ma­ti­on system    
Inte­gra­ti­on via con­fi­gura­ble interfaces    

Case Stu­dies for Task Manage­ment with PLANTA pul­se

Team mee­tings

With PLANTA pul­se you can crea­te a digi­tal pro­to­col for your team mee­tings – pro­vi­ding you with a com­pre­hen­si­ve over­view at any time.

  • Gather rele­vant topics upfront and assess them:
    This way, all par­ti­ci­pan­ts can be deploy­ed optimally.
  • Uncom­pli­ca­ted, dyna­mic record kee­ping during the mee­ting:
    Mana­ge lists of par­ti­ci­pan­ts, add new cards, attach docu­ments, assign employees
  • Stay on top of things also after the meeting:
    Mana­ge com­ple­ted, cur­rent, and future tasks in an uncom­pli­ca­ted way thanks to ver­sa­ti­le struc­tu­ring opti­ons, color assign­ments, and task allocation

IT tickets

PLANTA pul­se faci­li­ta­tes com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on in the enti­re com­pa­ny — both within the pro­ject teams as well as bet­ween dif­fe­rent departments.

PLANTA pul­se can also be used to mana­ge hot­line tickets which can help you to pro­cess cus­to­mer inqui­ries more quick­ly and more reliably.

  • A cen­tral coll­ec­tion point for all IT tickets:
    Get in touch with the right per­son wit­hout detours, no more red­un­dant inqui­ries, pro­gress can be tra­cked easily
  • Reach your goals with fewer detours:
    Sort new cards direct­ly, assess them and assign them to the employees responsible
  • One step at a time:
    Reli­e­ve your IT depart­ment by bet­ter orga­ni­zing pen­ding tasks thanks to WIP limit and prioritization

Sprint plan­ning with PLANTA hybrid

The pro­ject mana­ger plans sprints as tasks in PLANTA pro­ject. Sprints are car­ri­ed out in PLANTA pul­se by the pro­ject team. Hours recor­ded by the team mem­bers in the board are retur­ned to the task of the sprint in the pro­ject schedule. 

This works just as well for disper­sed teams, task manage­ment and exch­an­ge of infor­ma­ti­on among the team mem­bers is faci­li­ta­ted by PLANTA pul­se. Hours work­ed can also be recor­ded on the go in a mobi­le fashion.

torsten eckardt hermes arzneimittel

Her­mes Arz­nei­mit­tel GmbH

„Espe­ci­al­ly during the cur­rent pan­de­mic situa­ti­on, this tool is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for web-based (mobi­le) moni­to­ring of stra­te­gic pro­jects in which the key pro­ject team mem­bers work at dif­fe­rent sites.“
(Dr. Tors­ten Eckardt)

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