PLANTA pul­se
Soft­ware for agi­le pro­ject management

Agi­le Pro­ject Manage­ment and Trans­pa­ren­cy in Team Work

Software für agiles Projektmanagement und Aufgabenmanagement, Aufgaben planen und erledigen mit Kanban-Board

Pro­ject Teams Want to Plan Fle­xi­bly and Inde­pen­dent of Location 

PLANTA pul­se is a tool for col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and agi­le pro­ject manage­ment with the help of which teams of any size can fle­xi­bly mana­ge their tasks and plan their pro­jects agi­le­ly. All team mem­bers will always be up to date as if they were at the office. Updates can also be recei­ved via smart­phone, impro­ving coope­ra­ti­on in the enti­re com­pa­ny. Sin­ce exter­nal per­sons can also be invi­ted to boards (in read-only mode and with com­ment func­tion, if requi­red), PLANTA pul­se also allows for a stream­li­ning of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with exter­nal pro­ject team mem­bers. Most e‑mails beco­me red­un­dant sin­ce all pro­ject team mem­bers can easi­ly catch up on the cur­rent sta­tus which is direct­ly indi­ca­ted on the respec­ti­ve task. 

Get Star­ted Intui­tively and Quickly

New team mem­bers get star­ted quick­ly thanks to intui­ti­ve and fle­xi­ble boards and user onboar­ding with inter­ac­ti­ve tutorials.

The manage­ment of big­ger agi­le pro­jects is faci­li­ta­ted by an opti­on for struc­tu­ring pro­jects and boards as well as for put­ting tog­e­ther pro­ject teams the mem­bers of which pos­sess dif­fe­rent authorizations.

Digi­ta­liza­ti­on, new work, working inde­pendent­ly of time and loca­ti­on:  PLANTA pul­se pro­vi­des the best pos­si­ble assis­tance for pro­ject teams in their quest for a new fle­xi­ble working culture.

White­pa­per Hybrid Pro­ject Management

How can we skillful­ly use tra­di­tio­nal and agi­le methods for our projects?

White­pa­per Hybrid Pro­ject Management

How can we skillful­ly use tra­di­tio­nal and agi­le methods for our projects?

The advan­ta­ges of PLANTA pul­se

Fast access

Thanks to intui­ti­ve Kan­ban boards you can quick­ly crea­te tasks and invi­te team mem­bers. You can easi­ly posi­ti­on todo items by drag­ging them with your mou­se. Copy func­tions for boards, lists, and cards faci­li­ta­te the hand­ling of simi­lar tasks and pro­jects. Com­ple­ted cards can be archi­ved and res­to­red upon requi­re­ment. With only a few clicks your teams can record their hours work­ed and pro­ject times even when they are on the road. 

Good Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on also in Disper­sed Teams

In PLANTA pul­se, all infor­ma­ti­on, file attach­ments, and check­lists are visi­ble direct­ly on each todo item. The acti­vi­ty line at the right mar­gin, which can be unfolded/folded, or e‑mail noti­fi­ca­ti­ons inform team mem­bers of chan­ges which have been made to the board sin­ce their last activity.

Struc­tu­ra­bi­li­ty and Security

In the board over­view, all boards are dis­play­ed as thumb­nails and sor­ted by pro­jects. Via the Favo­ri­tes / recent­ly view­ed func­tion, the side menu pro­vi­des a quick access to fre­quent­ly edi­ted boards. If chan­ges have been made sin­ce your last board visit, the board and the respec­ti­ve cards will be high­ligh­ted in red. Pro­ject spe­ci­fic rights manage­ment and struc­tu­ring of pro­jects and boards bring order to your fle­xi­ble system. 

Get right star­ted with PLANTA pul­se BASE or PREMIUM

Task Manage­ment • Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on in the Team • Time Recording


from 0 €

up to 5 free users 

Get star­ted with PLANTA pul­se for free

Up to 5 free users
For 6 users or more, €6,99 per month/user*
Basic web services
File attach­ments up to 100 MB per user
Sup­port via Wiki + e‑mail


from 9 €

month/per user*

Full access to PLANTA pulse

All func­tions for agi­le work
Basic web services
File attach­ments up to 500 MB per user
Sup­port also via phone
Sin­gle sign-on (SAML)
Aut­ho­riza­ti­on on team level

*Pri­ce per user is redu­ced with incre­asing num­ber of users (sca­led price).

Test hybrid pro­ject manage­ment with PLANTA pro­ject and PLANTA pul­se
The hybrid plan­ning method com­bi­nes ele­ments from both approa­ches: tra­di­tio­nal pro­ject manage­ment with sche­du­le accor­ding to the cas­ca­de model and agi­le pro­ject and task manage­ment with Kan­ban baords.

Fea­tures of the PLANTA pul­se Editions

Agi­le methods, collaboration
Kan­ban, calen­dar, list views
Unli­mi­t­ed num­ber of boards
Inte­gra­ti­on Out­look and Goog­le Calendar
Fil­ter and search functions
Free­ly defi­nable lables, user-defi­­ned fields
Acti­vi­ty track­ing, noti­fi­ca­ti­on func­tion (in app and mes­sen­ger services)
Chat con­nec­tion
Check­lists, attach­ments, note function
Inte­gra­ted time recor­ding (on card or in the Time Recor­ding panel)
Simp­le web-services
Con­nec­tion to Microsoft’s 365 via OneDrive
Available edi­tors: WYSIWYG + Markdown
User onboar­ding: inter­ac­ti­ve tutorials

Includes all fea­tures of the BASE edi­ti­on. Also includes:

Admin panel
Pro­ject spe­ci­fic access con­trol: pro­ject groups
Board tem­pla­tes
Copy­ing of boards, lists, cards configurable
As app on MAKE (online auto­ma­ti­on platform)
Sin­gle sign-on, SAML

Case Stu­dies

Team Mee­tings

With PLANTA pul­se you crea­te a digi­tal pro­to­col for your team mee­tings —  thus you always have ever­y­thing in view.

  • Coll­ect and weight topics in advance:
    This allows all par­ti­ci­pan­ts to prepa­re optimally.
  • Easy, dyna­mic log­ging during meetings:
    Mana­ge par­ti­ci­pant lists, add new cards, attach docu­ments, assign employees
  • Keep track of ever­y­thing after the meeting:
    Easi­ly mana­ge com­ple­ted, cur­rent and future tasks thanks to various struc­tu­ring opti­ons, color assign­ments and task assignment
PLANTA pulse Use Case Team-Meetings

IT Tickets

PLANTA pul­se faci­li­ta­tes com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on throug­hout the com­pa­ny — both within and bet­ween departments.

For quick and relia­ble hand­ling of cus­to­mer inqui­ries, PLANTA pul­se can also be used to mana­ge hot­line tickets.

  • A cen­tral coll­ec­tion point for all IT tickets:
    Direct­ly cont­act the right per­son, no more dupli­ca­te inqui­ries, easy track­ing of progress
  • Achie­ve your objec­ti­ves with fewer detours:
    Sort new cards direct­ly, weight them and assign them to the respon­si­ble employees
  • One by one:
    Reli­e­ving the IT depart­ment by bet­ter orga­ni­zing ongo­ing tasks thanks to the WIP limit and prioritization
PLANTA pulse Use case IT Tickets

Sprint plan­ning with PLANTA Hybrid

In hybrid plan­ning, ele­ments from both approa­ches — tra­di­tio­nal pro­ject manage­ment and agi­le pro­ject manage­ment — are used in combination.

Use case: Deve­lo­p­ment of a new web­site using PLANTA pro­ject and PLANTA pul­se