Hybrid Pro­ject Management
with the PLANTA soft­ware suite

Com­bi­ne the advan­ta­ges from both PM worlds: agi­le + tra­di­tio­nal = hybrid

PLANTA as a Hybrid Sys­tem: Dou­ble Soft­ware Power

PLANTA as a hybrid sys­tem is the inte­gra­ted sys­tem of two soft­ware solu­ti­ons which are also powerful stan­da­lo­ne solutions: 

hybrides projektmanagement bestes hybrid-system

PLANTA was rated “best hybrid sys­tem” in the 2024 soft­ware com­pa­ri­son. 29 tools were compared. 

PLANTA pro­ject for tra­di­tio­nal pro­ject methods

Pro­ject plan­ning with mile­sto­nes, pro­ject bud­gets, and risks

PLANTA pul­se for agi­le Team col­la­bo­ra­ti­on via Kan­ban boards and Scrum

Impro­ved com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and coor­di­na­ti­on pro­ces­ses, espe­ci­al­ly for disper­sed pro­ject teams

White­pa­per Hybrid Pro­ject Management

How can we skillful­ly use tra­di­tio­nal and agi­le methods for our projects?

White­pa­per Hybrid Pro­ject Management

How can we skillful­ly use tra­di­tio­nal and agi­le methods for our projects?

Hybrid Advan­ta­ge: Be Fle­xi­ble in Your Choice of Method for Each Project

Nowa­days it is no lon­ger suf­fi­ci­ent to plan in a purely tra­di­tio­nal or agi­le man­ner. Each pro­ject is dif­fe­rent and you should the­r­e­fo­re not be limi­t­ed to one plan­ning method when it comes to choo­sing the right pro­ject manage­ment software.

hybrides Projektmanagement

Com­bi­nes the advan­ta­ges of agi­le and tra­di­tio­nal plan­ning methods.

Pro­vi­des a per­fect frame­work for team mem­bers and management.

Scope for pro­ject teams, reports and KPIs for management.

Maxi­mum of fle­xi­bi­li­ty, deploya­ble accor­ding to pro­ject and user-spe­ci­fic requirements.

Inte­gra­ted time recor­ding: Record hours work­ed on the go, data always synchronized.

Stay on top of your projects

A maxi­mum of ver­sa­ti­li­ty, full control

  • Stay on top of things: mul­ti-pro­ject plan­ning with tra­di­tio­nal pro­ject method
  • Ever­y­thing is pos­si­ble, not­hing is bin­ding: car­ry out sub­pro­jects agilely
  • Always up-to-date: ana­ly­sis also of hours work­ed recor­ded in a decen­tra­li­zed manner
  • Relia­ble ana­ly­sis: all data for moni­to­ring and ana­ly­sis at one glance

Orga­ni­ze tasks in an agi­le and intui­ti­ve way

  • Indi­vi­du­al task manage­ment: crea­te pro­ject tasks as cards in Kan­ban boards
  • Quick todo item allo­ca­ti­on: allo­ca­te tasks to pro­ject team mem­bers with only a cou­ple of clicks
  • Sim­pli­fied com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on: infor­ma­ti­on, file attach­ments, and comm­ents direct­ly on the task
  • Agi­le teams: iden­ti­fy pro­blems, set prio­ri­ties, meet challenges

Unli­mi­t­ed possibilities

  • Hybrid fle­xi­bi­li­ty: Sui­ted for a vast ran­ge of pro­ject types, pro­ject objec­ti­ves and methods
  • Always and ever­y­whe­re: work inde­pen­dent of loca­ti­on thanks to web ser­vices and mobi­le time recording

Get right star­ted with PLANTA pro­ject in its HYBRID editions 

Try our pro­duct for 30 days wit­hout any com­mit­ment, and wit­hout auto­ma­tic renewal 


from 12 €


PLANTA pul­se BASE with con­nec­tion to PLANTA project

All pro­ject manage­ment functions
Basic func­tions for agi­le work
Simp­le web services


from 15 €


PLANTA pro­ject incl. PLANTA pul­se (full access)

All pro­ject manage­ment functions
All func­tions for agi­le work
Free­ly con­fi­gura­ble web services


Pri­ce upon request


PLANTA pro­ject incl. PLANTA pul­se (full access) and PLANTA portfolio

All pro­ject manage­ment functions
All func­tions for agi­le work
Free­ly con­fi­gura­ble web services
All func­tions for pro­ject port­fo­lio management

*The pri­ce per user is redu­ced with incre­asing num­ber of users (gra­du­al pricing).

Fea­tures of the HYBRID Editions

Time and cost management
Bud­get management
Sche­du­les, Gantt charts
Mile­stone tracking
Report­ing of pro­ject sta­tus, pro­gress, devia­ti­ons, trend analyses
Work­flows, adjustable
Mul­­ti-pro­­ject infor­ma­ti­on system
Agi­le methods, collaboration
Kan­ban, calen­dar, list views
Task dash­board
Unli­mi­t­ed num­ber of boards
Out­look and Goog­le Calen­dar integration
Fil­ter and search functions
Free­ly defi­nable labels
Acti­vi­ty track­ing, noti­fi­ca­ti­on function
Chat con­nec­tion
Check­lists, attach­ments, note function
Inte­gra­ted time recor­ding (on cards or in the Zeit­er­fas­sung panel)
Board tem­pla­tes
Con­fi­gura­ble copy­ing of boards, lists, cards
Sin­gle Sign-On, SAML
Two-fac­­tor authentication
File attach­ments of 500 MB per user (PLANTA pul­se)
Sup­port via Wiki, e‑mail, phone
Con­nec­tion to Micro­soft 365 via OneDrive
Simp­le web services

Includes all fea­tures from HYBRID BASE. Also includes:

Free­ly con­fi­gura­ble web ser­vices (REST-API)
Pro­­ject-spe­ci­­fic rights manage­ment, pro­ject groups (PLANTA pul­se)
As an app on Inte­gro­mat (online auto­ma­ti­on platform)

Includes all fea­tures from HYBRID BASE and HYBRID PREMIUM. Also includes:

Oppor­tu­ni­ty and risk ana­ly­sis, system-assisted
Idea and pro­po­sal manage­ment, three-layered
Qua­li­ty gate tracking
Capa­ci­ty plan­ning, strategic
Port­fo­lio simu­la­ti­on, road map

PLANTA Jira link

Sin­ce some are­as of use call for the con­nec­tion to fur­ther agi­le sys­tems like, e.g., Jira, or to other sys­tems, PLANTA has desi­gned an inter­face to Jira for this par­ti­cu­lar area of use: PLANTA Jira link is a PLANTA Add-On, based on the Web inter­faces with PLANTA link.

PLANTA as hybrid sys­tem pro­vi­des you with an inte­gra­ted sys­tem which allows you to con­nect the tra­di­tio­nal PLANTA pro­ject sys­tem with the agi­le PLANTA pul­se and/or with the agi­le Jira sys­tem. Wha­te­ver opti­on you may go for, syn­chro­ni­sa­ti­on via web­ser­vices always pro­vi­des you with cur­rent data both in the agi­le and in the tra­di­tio­nal system.

Use Case Sprint Planning

The deve­lo­p­ment of a new web­site with PLANTA pro­ject and PLANTA pul­se

A new web­site is to be deve­lo­ped. To assu­re an opti­mal admi­nis­tra­ti­on of sche­du­les, resour­ces, and bud­get, the pro­ject mana­ger uses PLANTA pro­ject for pro­ject plan­ning. For a detail­ed plan­ning of indi­vi­du­al sprints, the team of deve­lo­pers reli­es on PLANTA pul­se in order to be able to mana­ge all todo items agi­le­ly and intui­tively in the actu­al work process.

  • Pro­ject mana­ger: plan­ning of the “New web­site” pro­ject in PLANTA pro­ject
  • Syn­chro­niza­ti­on of sprint tasks with PLANTA pul­se
  • Trans­fer of manage­ment to the team of deve­lo­pers: Thanks to the pre­de­fi­ned board lay­out (e.g.: „Back­log“, „To be done“ etc.) and auto­ma­tic adap­ti­on of the resour­ces in PLANTA pul­se, they can start working right away.
  • Team of deve­lo­pers: self-orga­ni­zed plan­ning and rea­liza­ti­on in PLANTA pul­se
    • The team of deve­lo­pers dis­cus­ses what is to be rea­li­zed in the first sprint. The team mana­ger crea­tes the first cards in PLANTA pul­se, assigns the tasks, and defi­nes a deadline.
    • All team mem­bers can keep track of the tasks assi­gned to them.
    • Thanks to indi­vi­du­al labels, prio­ri­ties can be defi­ned so that the team mem­bers can orga­ni­ze their work in the best pos­si­ble way.
    • The team com­mu­ni­ca­tes via the board: Notes and docu­ments are added to the cards and are available to all members.
    • The team uses the board for uncom­pli­ca­ted time recor­ding: hours work­ed are ente­red direct­ly on the cards of the respec­ti­ve tasks.
    • The pro­ject mana­ger can trace back the pro­gress in PLANTA pro­ject, sin­ce the hours recor­ded on the board are imme­dia­te­ly adopted.
  • Moni­to­ring and ana­ly­sis of the pro­ject and its indi­vi­du­al tasks in terms of defi­ned time and cos­ts by the pro­ject mana­ger in PLANTA pro­ject


  • A suc­cessful pro­ject which com­bi­nes the advan­ta­ges of tra­di­tio­nal and agi­le methods.
  • Thanks to quick feed­back by the cus­to­mer and the own team, inter­me­dia­te results can be adjus­ted to new requi­re­ments (adap­ti­ve plan­ning) and the final result can turn out to be a sub­stan­ti­al impro­ve­ment com­pared to the initi­al plan­ning which is some­ti­mes only sub­stan­tia­ted in the cour­se of the deve­lo­p­ment cycles (VUCA World).

Hybrid pro­ject manage­ment can be used varia­bly in the company

Accor­ding to indi­vi­du­al requi­re­ments for the respec­ti­ve pro­ject, agi­le and tra­di­tio­nal ele­ments can be used prag­ma­ti­cal­ly, allo­wing you to find the best hybrid vari­ant for the enti­re pro­ject accor­ding to its respec­ti­ve size and complexity.

PLANTA Hybrid Terminplan

Fur­ther Infor­ma­ti­on on Agi­le and Tra­di­tio­nal Pro­ject Management

Agi­le Task Plan­ning for Your Pro­ject Teams

Over­view of Dates, Resour­ces, and Cos­ts of Your Projects