Digi­tal Con­gress PM Welt — on three dates: 12/08/20, 01/19/21, 02/23/21
Par­ti­ci­pa­te in digi­tal pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and work­shops and visit us at our vir­tu­al fair stand.
Pose your ques­ti­ons via text chat or, if you pre­fer so, we will send you an invi­ta­ti­on link to the Jit­si video chat. We will be hap­py to make an appoint­ment with you for a live pre­sen­ta­ti­on of our software.
Get to know the PLANTA soft­ware for stra­te­gic, ope­ra­ti­ve, and agi­le pro­ject manage­ment: PLANTA port­fo­lio, PLANTA pro­ject, PLANTA pul­se
At our fair stand you can down­load prod­cut bro­chu­res or you can order the desi­red info mate­ri­al here:

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We will call you back

Just lea­ve your name and your pho­ne num­ber and we will get back to you.

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